Hello all,
I am new to the forum. What I have been reading is pretty cool. Just wondering if anyone has any monster gt parts. I am looking for a chassis. Flipped mine on concrete, just from acceleration. Slammed the motor on the ground and ripped it out of the chassis. Needless to say, roll cage is on the way. How do I post pics here?
Thanks! I called for a new chassis, $80.00 for the Team model. Thicker aluminum, but the chance of this happening again - slim to none. I can get a stock replacement for $20.00 on flea bay, but I want to be running by this weekend.
I can't find the stock one there. Only the FT one, which is "On order".
If you find the part number for the stock chassis and post it up here, I'll check a few more places but taking the time to scroll thru endless team associated parts is getting boring, lol.
Couldn't find a chassis before the weekend, so the old one would have to make due. The motor was removed. Not as much damage as I thought. Chassis hammered back into place, attached a modified washer to the bottom of the chassis and presto! New motor mount and side exaust. Still have another chassis coming from ebay though.
maybe put washers on all the screws, just in case it happens again.
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Slaytanic is right, I'm the guy the MGT had a impact with.
Two cars, we hit at an angle going the same direction. One of the locals got it on his camera phone.
End result of a 1/8th scale buggy hitting a MGT? Buggy broke a plastic stone gaurd, the MGT had its engine ripped right out the top. Those chassis are extremely weak and flimsy.
You can spread the load with washers but it doesn't change that the chassis is simply too thin, and made from poor quality materials. That cage will help in roll overs and other traction roll types of crashes. But if you have a head on with anything it'll tear like paper.