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Electric Racing Club
Hey everybody its the good old bandit again. I am trying to start a Electric R/C Racing Club, and have been working hard on getting sponsors and getting everything together. I have created a cheapy website which can be found at D.E.P. R/C Racing . It going to be for everybody basher and racers in and around the chicagoland area. And hopefully when I get it off the ground evenually we been able to host races and stuff. I don't know maybe I'm dreaming but I think it is worth. If anybody is interested in helping or joining please let me. It will be greatly appreciated. I want to try to make a learing club so it will be good for kid ans familes too. Thanks for you time.
Bandit aka Dan
Associated RC18T-stock
Traxxas E-Maxx-stock
Bandit R/C Racing Team
Spektrum DSM DX-3 System
Whether if your into bashing or into racing, R/C is still an obsession

Go Sox!!!!!
I might be interested, even though my eletric doesn't get that much run time because of my maxx.=)
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
I hear you, that cool, at least there some interest. That makes it worth it even more to get this off the ground for me.
is it for offroad or onroad electric? both?

why limit it just to electric?
Mugen MBX5T
Futaba 3PM
Hitec 5955, 5965
I would be guessing for both because he has a stadium truck, monster truck, and an onroad.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
Yup it's for off-road, on-road, momster truck, 1/18th , and 1/28th. I think eventually it will expand to include nitro, but right now I sticking with electric becuase that's whas I really know.
id like to race my mini if/when I find a place to do so.

MBX5T - O.S.
MBX5R - Novarossi
Yes I'm have the most luck with that, I found a few place that we could set up a mini race, I too have an 18T and just dying to try and race him. Of all my cars, I think I have the most fun with the 18T.
Well have to put this on the back burner for a while now, I'm in the process of getting a new job so I think thats a little more important then R/C at the moment. Plus I sold my TC4 and selling my T4 for now, and sold the Warhead that my cousin sent too. I'm just keeping the stampede and the 18t if i get the urge.
I'd bring out the MiniT or Xmod if we had a place to race....
Try to work something out with Intense Raceway Park. They have a strong indoor carpet racing program....not to mention one of the best indoor onroad tracks in the area.
Nexus, that's a good thought if they have open days/times to slot for Mini's. Maybe an email to them? Who is the "big guy" over there?
Guys, I have good news. I just got back from HobbyTown in Orland Park and they are bulding a track only for 1/18's. It is going to be like 2 shops down from the actually store so if anything breaks, there is spare parts right there.

I was talking to the guy really quick and he said that he was ordering some kind of special carpet made just for r/c cars.

They need to talk to the landlords and are going to start building anyday. He said that is should be done sometime in December.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
When I was also in there, one of the guys was driving the mini LST. It was pretty quick for being stock. He was taking it off a little jump in the aisle of the store.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
That sounds awesome, my cousin lives out that way, I think when I go to his house, I may pay a visit over there.
I will post some more information if I get any.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
Looks like I better get some foams on order for the MiniT........
It is going to be an off-road coarse. Not just flat ground. I asked the guy what kind of jumps there were going to be and he said not too big because they need something to pick up and put down in 30 seconds for the onroads.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
Well I have changed the name of my psuedo 1/18th racing club from DEP R/C Racing to Bandit R/C Racing, the web address is still the same until I order a URL and find a host for the site. Noby seem to be intrested, I mean of anybody has any time to help out I really can get this going and maybe get some races going. Email or PM me if you would like to help or become part of the club.
it's going to take time and hard work to get the club to where you want it. There are enough 1/18 guys here to have a decent club going, not 50 people, but maybe 10 to start off with.
Mugen MBX5T
Futaba 3PM
Hitec 5955, 5965
I think 1/18th club would be more fun than the 1/10th because its a bunch of older people driving really small cars LOL. I could always steal my brothers mini-t to use.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
Yeah, I was hoping to get at least ten to start then hopefully word of mouth will kick in when there are races and bashes. And now that I added a Mini-T to my collection I'm even more driven to get this going. My current 1/18th aersnal is a RC18T, Losi Mini-T, and Losi Mini-LST. I eventually want to add the the 18B, and a Xray M18. But after Christmas.
nice start, keep at it, it will fall into place
Well my website's URL is now live :racing: and can be found at . I'm still trying to get site to look good and be more functional but at least it is up and people can get an idea of what the club is about. So thats good.
Associated RC18T-stock
Traxxas E-Maxx-stock
Bandit R/C Racing Team
Spektrum DSM DX-3 System
Whether if your into bashing or into racing, R/C is still an obsession

Go Sox!!!!!
Well I added a few things to my clubs site, updated my car section since I just picked up one of those Mini-Ts, and added a review I wrote for Mini-LST. I guess I could write for the Mini-T too, but in due time, I have really got to bash with it yet. I also added a forum to site, so I have 1/18th forum with site. You guys interested in racing and bashing 1/18th check out the site and the forum, I give the links to both.
The site is
and the forum is
But you can link to forum from the site. Well I'm getting there.

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