01-27-2007, 09:55 AM
satoch Wrote:Blow me Ponch. I'm growing very tired of Mike bashing other manufacturers products. It's not professional and it's just not right. And here he's bashing Panther Switches for indoor, calling the tires crap while running them and won't even run the Inside Jobs from his "sponsor". What kind of Crap is that?
there is way to much thread jacking on this forum!!! mod plz, swing the banmash: ..................
theres no point in starting a flame war over someone expressing their opinions / beliefs or facts......regardless of sponsorship, this is a forum where people share their opinions and what works best for THEM, it seems you Bruce have a hard time grasping people not agreeing with you, my thread was closed because you started shit with Tim, making a bogus comment about his marshalling when he actually was injured and physically could not marshall, just chill on peeps threads man, stick to the topic Bruce, I hold my breath all the time man( not on the web, its the internet, lol ), its part of human nature, its fine to not agree with someone, but to tell someone to "go blow themselves"...wow!!!! c'mon man, dont you think thats wasting a little to much energy? Ponch dont want his thread all jacked up, he wants to know about Losi pink tapers and when they will be released, not how you are always struggling to cope with Czech's statements, theres no valid reason why anything Czech says should affect you in a negative manner, and make you turn a thread into a flame war, and ultimately be closed by a moderator, think about it man, lets jusy get along and feed off each other, its a resourceful community, lets strive as being members to keep it informative, fun, and peaceful.......just my measely ole' .02 Peace guys