07-25-2007, 08:32 PM
Non smokers have as much freedom as the smokers, more in IMO. Smokers don't impede on non-smokers, with the excpetion of bars. All restaurants have non-smoking available. Planes are smoke free. Almost all public buildings are already smoke free, even before this ban. How are the smokers impeding on the non-smokers freedom? If you're in a bar getting all messed up, shouldn't be complain about smoke anyway, you are way more likely to hurt someone or yourself on the way home than getting prollonged problems with you lungs from a few hours of smoke breathing.
Even after I had quite for a year and sat in non-smoking areas, I could never smell smoke from the smoking area. Those that say they can are full of it! I can smell it when walking by, but that's about it.
I think most arguements smokers like to throw are copouts just for the sake of starting an arguement and hold no value whatsoever.
Even after I had quite for a year and sat in non-smoking areas, I could never smell smoke from the smoking area. Those that say they can are full of it! I can smell it when walking by, but that's about it.
I think most arguements smokers like to throw are copouts just for the sake of starting an arguement and hold no value whatsoever.