08-09-2007, 06:52 PM
DAVEC-NITRO-RS4 Wrote:Maybe it's just my perception of recent times, but some newer members ask questions without searching (researching) the forums for previous posts that could answer the questions. When old topics get re-hashed, the guys who used to be helpful, get weary of telling the basics over and over. If you are new, read, read, and then read more to see if your questions on break-in, or glow plugs, or fuel %, have been reviewed in old posts. Archived data is valuable...I feel that some of the most valuable resources on the board have gotten away from answering questions because the info is already out there...
The problem with "Searching" for the answer to a question is that with as many times as some questions are asked, and as quickly as some of those threads FLY off-topic, you can search for something and get 3 pages of "possible matches". When that happens, and the first 15-20 posts that you read, looking for an answer, all turn into personal BS, arguments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, "Pissing contests", etc... you finally decide that just asking may help, only to get shot down, and yelled at for not searching first. This was a HUGE problem back on the Traxxas forums as well. The mods there would lock a thread, and yell at the members to use the "search" feature. Over time, it became 10 pages of locked threads about a question, with mods yelling to "Search".
One possible remedy for this, is to create a section for "Helpful tips". In that section, have only one person able to post/edit, so the individual posts do not get littered with BS. When someone asks a "Common question", refer them to the "Tips" area....
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."