dentguy92 Wrote:STAY OFF A SUB...... I did some training on a sub and it sucked. sub guys say its the best and you go all over the world, but its under water. the food is good but the air is bad and you cant go outside and see if its night or day. I was TAD on one for 2 months and it seemed like a year. If I had the choice of a sub under the polar ice cap for 6 months, or a distorter in the MED. I chose the distorter. just my opinion..... I know STRATCAT will say sub duty is the best, but he is was a Yeoman all they can do is type. JFWY
yeah, Yeoman...
remember, it's submarine duty, don't matter who you are you will know every system in the place... I qualified every forward watch station (non-nuclear) possible from Cheif of the Watch, Diving officer of the Watch, Aux of the Watch to sonar supervisor as a yeoman.. at the three year point I was an E-5 (did I forget to mention that submarine advancement is a bit quicker?)
to me subs was fun, yeah, I was a freakin' yeoman, but driving the boat, standing sonar, working on the gen pak's, O2 generator, in the torpedo room, etc was a blast! and the beauty is, it was required to be learned..
were you on a boomer? (SSBN) if yes, yeah, THAT DUTY SUCKS! ooohhhhhh man, how freakin' boring!
oh yeah, have the dentguy tell you about drinking beer on the north pole, huh dentguy?
I did the med for 6 months, lots of liberty ports, blah blah.. if I had a choice I'd rather had done northern runs under the arctic and raped commies.... just my opinion...
UGGHHHHH! it just hit me what you said that the air smells... that's the amine... oh yeah, but you really don't notice it until you get back hom and smell your nasty uniforms...
"if guns cause crime, all of mine are defective" - Ted Nugent