Where: HobbyTown USA
2827 Aurora Ave
Naperville, Il 60540
When: Feb 16 2008
Signup begins @ 12:30 (you will be teched when
you sign in)
Drivers Meeting will be at 1:15
We will be using the same rule set and format as before. The course will be ran 1 direction and reversed for run #2.
2.2 will be the only class (sorry supers and scalers). The course will be changed from last time to make it more interesting.
ALSO... I spoke with the owner and he WILL have a full line of axial parts (everything they can get) along with tires and rims. For those of you that arent ready for the comp, see the club thread.
2827 Aurora Ave
Naperville, Il 60540
When: Feb 16 2008
Signup begins @ 12:30 (you will be teched when
you sign in)
Drivers Meeting will be at 1:15
We will be using the same rule set and format as before. The course will be ran 1 direction and reversed for run #2.
2.2 will be the only class (sorry supers and scalers). The course will be changed from last time to make it more interesting.
ALSO... I spoke with the owner and he WILL have a full line of axial parts (everything they can get) along with tires and rims. For those of you that arent ready for the comp, see the club thread.