07-07-2008, 11:48 AM
J-Dub Wrote:...Okay now that is one Spec class I would definatly go out and get into...Trophy truck racing is the best. Also I bet a 17mm Hub Conversion so you could run buggy tires would work, cause I bet stock tires would have no hook inside leisure. but the only problem I see is the old-driveshafts from like a tmaxx are being used.
that defeats the point of a spec class. run it how it is and deal with it
alute:Casterracingusa.com alute: TrueRC.comalute: alute:Fusionracingrc.com (Fusion Fluids) alute: Nitrotoyz.comalute:Thercshack.comalute:Fastlane-graphix.comalute: