11-17-2008, 08:27 PM
There is no back straight. From the front straight it's basically a sweeper up and around the back left corner. Then a right and you drop down into the middle section follow by a smooth right and an immediate hairpin left with a decent run up to a big jump which is easy to clear. You need to downside it to stay tight to the left around the corner. Than a litlltle step down followed by a hard right with a small step up. Than to the back corner up onto a table top right hand corner. You than come over a few step downs follow by a nice rythem section that is all on a sweeping turn bringing you back to the start. If you can get through those wobbles nice you can carry killer speed down the front. Laps are around 22sec.
Not very good but might give you some idea.
Not very good but might give you some idea.