05-14-2009, 04:12 PM
chicagokenji Wrote:Here I'll break it down for you:
"Barking at the door but no one is home?"
Cheesecake makes a great post on Chitown, but after 9 days there's no followa up.
"Kinda weird, like tumbleweeds rolling around when you pull up to the place that used to have crowds of folks all over last time you were there."
This forum used to be folks posting back and forth within minutes/hours, now you click on stuff here and there's huge gaps of time between posts if there's even any replies at all. Like pulling into a town that is now deserted.
"What happened here, no one is home anymore."
How come no one is posting about racing here anymore, everyone has left.
Sooo....maybe I worded my 4/29 post weird. I didn't mean to imply anything at all about DD's, and no I absolutely didn't want to or even intended to bust DD's chops.
Well I have to admitt, I took it as a bash on the club right away. Sorry for being a little sensitive on the subject, but it is a lot of work, and it does start to effect you personaly when guys talk crap about you and your hard work, but then when you see them at Leisures or other places, they dont want to say anything to our faces.
Kenji, I will be the 1st to say sorry for getting all bent out of shape. But you have to admitt, you purposly posted it that way.
And we welcome ANYONE to come out and race. We want everyone to race with us if they want, we want more families and people looking to have fun or just begin to race to come out and give us a try, but no membership needed. Members is $10 to race and NON is $15. And No we are not a facility, its a farm with a track, so if you think it will be like Leisure hours or Peoria, then please lower you expectations, this is a home built NON PROFIT track, and it is one hell of a fun track to go to and meet some NICE people!