11-03-2005, 09:27 PM
satoch Wrote:I have a 5' x 12' 3 axis flatbed CNC machine at my disposal. Let me know when you're ready.I'm good friends w/ Andrew of ColdFusionRacing, he cuts everything for me.. like my rustler chassis I designed for 16 cells thanks for the offer, but I've been working w/ him for years.
snakebite46 Wrote:Hey DualBL, Nice stuff as always. Hows that computer case doing ? =Phey chitown, didn't recognize the name =\ case is doing great, all the other parts of my computer on the other hand are not.. I got 400gb of stuff i need, and am buying some more drives tommorow to backup/reformat
Notochord Wrote:damn i cant wait till ill be able to do that. im taking a cad class in school and we are doing 3 view drawings. lol little kiddie stuff compared to that :p:I was horrible with acad in school.. solidworks is alot easier to use, and just as powerful.