01-18-2006, 12:48 PM
Me too as a rookie racer, I would would just run it at nitro and open practice. So I finally decided that I will get a Jato, and if I need to modify it to run in races I will. Something about the Jato that just really appealls to me, I don't know what it it is. Plus I have experince with the 2.5R(had aportmaxx and revo a while back), but still need to learn to tune to conditions. But his will be a tax return purchase which I am currently waiting for. Becasue I finally saved enough to go DSM and picking up a Spektrum DX3 next week. So I can run my T4 and Jato on it.
Associated RC18T-stock
Traxxas E-Maxx-stock
Bandit R/C Racing Team
Spektrum DSM DX-3 System
Whether if your into bashing or into racing, R/C is still an obsession
Go Sox!!!!!
Traxxas E-Maxx-stock
Bandit R/C Racing Team
Spektrum DSM DX-3 System
Whether if your into bashing or into racing, R/C is still an obsession
Go Sox!!!!!