01-19-2006, 10:26 PM
Haha fun w/dick and jane...yeah that's a good movie....horny scene;
jane; robbing this bank kinda turns me on dick...
dick; yeah....I guess you could call me a hardened criminal...lol
another exerpt from the end of the movie...
former company worker that got fired along with dick; hey dick...like the company car?
dick; yeah, where'd you get it? real nice....
worker;I got a job at this great place that deals w/energy, it's called ENRON! lollolol lmao that was just about the best part of the movie imo....hahah john knows what I'm talking about hehehe.....
Yeah I was thinking....I thought of this really funny joke and i'm over here cracking up..then I look at you and *snore.....snore*** and I'm lilke......Great....Thanks....lol....John you know what I'm talking about once again....lol
haha exerpt from cops;
spread your feet!!!spread your feet! you're intoxicated right now just spread your feet! I gave it to your friend!!!just gimme this!!!back up! back up! now turn around!!now turn around! lol that could sound really dirty....heheh I'm like sleep-less-high right now...lol
jane; robbing this bank kinda turns me on dick...
dick; yeah....I guess you could call me a hardened criminal...lol
another exerpt from the end of the movie...
former company worker that got fired along with dick; hey dick...like the company car?
dick; yeah, where'd you get it? real nice....
worker;I got a job at this great place that deals w/energy, it's called ENRON! lollolol lmao that was just about the best part of the movie imo....hahah john knows what I'm talking about hehehe.....
Yeah I was thinking....I thought of this really funny joke and i'm over here cracking up..then I look at you and *snore.....snore*** and I'm lilke......Great....Thanks....lol....John you know what I'm talking about once again....lol
haha exerpt from cops;
spread your feet!!!spread your feet! you're intoxicated right now just spread your feet! I gave it to your friend!!!just gimme this!!!back up! back up! now turn around!!now turn around! lol that could sound really dirty....heheh I'm like sleep-less-high right now...lol
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