10-09-2006, 06:43 PM
czech-I know what your talking about radio problems, I kind of thought I had the same damn problem the night before in practice, but realized basically my throttle servo was trashed.
now what sucks is that to fix my airtonics 94161 it would cost me $31 for gears, damn man for $20 on top of that I can get a brand new servo, its rediculous what these people charge. the 2 servo's I lost yesterday were the jr550, and the air one, and I also burned up a jr 650 a couple months ago:mad:
now what sucks is that to fix my airtonics 94161 it would cost me $31 for gears, damn man for $20 on top of that I can get a brand new servo, its rediculous what these people charge. the 2 servo's I lost yesterday were the jr550, and the air one, and I also burned up a jr 650 a couple months ago:mad: