11-02-2006, 09:45 PM
HAGASAN Wrote:Its all good man. Wether you realize it or not we all belong to a "click" of some kind. There's no getting around it, it happens through mostly all of our lives and hopefully wont stop. Its more of a comradery thing, We all share some things incommon, like you and snake with the fish tanks, me and dimo with the vinyl stuff, Mikey and Slim with the painting. We all share RC, but do not agree on everything. My fiance' thinks im crazy and all my RC buddies are nerds, but i can honestly tell her, and she gets pissed(but knows its true). Guys will always have friends and keep them for a life time, when chicks have chick friends, they stay friends for awhile until they get all jelous nshit of one another and never talk again. Maybe the other braod has a better rack than the other or some crap like that.