About a year ago I bought a case of loose GP3300's
http://www.ragebattery.com for $3.49 each. Got a
great deal on them but he isn't selling them anymore
as far as I know. He said that it was a mistake on his
page because he doesn't even carry them. He had
to get them from someone else to honor the deal.
I looked at the prices on that website. They are
pretty much about average. The only way to really
get a good deal is to go through the manufacturer
but you have to commit to purchasing 100 thousand
dollars worth of their product per year. Otherwise,
they direct you to a distributer. I checked the
distibuters website and they don't list the GP3300's.
I sent them an email but haven't heard back. Maybe
I will give them a call. I'll let you know what I find out.