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Tuning help please
Ok i have a revo 3.3. This is my first car and i want to get good power out of it without killing the engine. I want to be able to do wheelies easy with the car without damaging it. I know this is explained in the manuals but i am better with pics.
This is stock (center)
[Image: IMG00026.jpg]
now this wont shift into second gear (about 10 degrees of center)
[Image: IMG00029.jpg]
this is fast and i think it is also called lean ( 10 degrees to right)
[Image: IMG00025.jpg]
i know the last pic is what direction i should be tuning in but i dont know how far is too far and i dont want to damage it because i am a begginer and this was alot of money. If i could get some help i would be so happy, with pics included would be great
If it's running good, and still smoking alot, leave the needle where it's at. I know mine is actually richened from the factory, at tank 2-3 it was getting around 270, so I brought it back to 220-230. What gearing are you running? Is it a Revo 3.3 or a Revo with a 3.3? (Is it extended basically) Um...Stock tires? Do your self a favor and get a pull start and glow ignitor when you get the money.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
it is a revo 3.3 stock out of the box. y downgrade to glow plug and pull start?
redzebra24 Wrote:it is a revo 3.3 stock out of the box. y downgrade to glow plug and pull start?

It's actually not a downgrade to go to Pullstart and a Glow ignitor. Sure, starting takes a little more work, but not too much. The performance improvments really make up for it. The truck is lighter without the EZ-Start, and it also lowers the Center of Gravity (The EZ-Start is mounted high, raising the CG). By changing to a pullstart, you will be rewarded with slightly higher top speeds, slightly quicker acceleration, and better handling.

Once the engine is tuned pretty well, it will usually start within 2-3 pulls (once it is primed).

In case you don't understand "Priming the Engine". all you do, is cover the exhaust output, and give the pullstart a few quick tugs. you should see the fuel work it's way through the fuel lines to the Carb. Once the fuel has reached the Carb, attach your Glow ignitor and give the pullstart a couple more pulls and the engine shoud start right up.

As for wheelies, with the extended chassis of the Revo 3.3, it may be harder to pull wheelies. It all depends on your low speed needle settings (The needle in the throttle arm), your gearing, suspension settings and the amount of traction.
the reason i went with this car is becasue of the ez start so i wont get rid of it
in my opinion pull start is better all around..dont gotta worry about the strter batterie going dead or the starter motor going out....but if the truck runs good and still smokes its fine..
looking for something new to buy.... like a lst2 or something let me know what u got..................
Why emphasize wheelies? The Revo drives better than high C of G trucks, and resists wheelies. I want it on all fours. Want wheelies? Buy a Tmaxx!
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
:joy: or an LST2
looking for something new to buy.... like a lst2 or something let me know what u got..................
well he has a revo and wants wheelies outa it lol

the first thing i would reccommend doing is to buy a decent temp gun. Keep that motor at temps around 230-250. As you mentioned, you are a beginner and may not be able to tune by smoke power and sound. However if you would like to avoid using a temp gun here are a few things to look for when tuning.

1. Is there good smoke. as long as there is a decent amount of smoke coming out of the engine throughout the entire powerband, you will greatly reduce the risk of damaging your motor.
2. Is it lean bogging/"rich" bogging. Lean bogging will be if the motor is very lean, and the low end will be terrible for the most part, if it is way too lean, the overall power of the motor will be bad. The other extreme would be if it is bogging from being too rich. If you can see raw fuel coming out of the pipe, and the eninge is very slow to accelerate and loads up very easily then your motor is most likely too rich.
3. How does it sound? idealy you want your motor to have a good crisp sound on take off, nothing gurgly etc

If you want more wheelies, get yourself a clutchbell with less teeth and a spur gear with more teeth, and if you are on pavement a good set of road rage tires from proline.

The whole tuning process will be made easier with a temp gun, however dont get too caught up in the temps. For example if your motor seems to be running rich at say 230, try leaning the high speed needle a bit and dont worry if it gets to 250-260 as long as there is good smoke.
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
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