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Monsters and sled dragons get together was a blast
Those clods get down! Thanks to ricrush for inviting me and letting me try out his clod, I definitely gotta get one. Everyones trucks were really detailed and looked great! The racing was fun and usually pretty close. I encourage everyone to give it a shot.
Mr. Tune Wrote:Deruinked psosting is fun guys! Please don't follow me exwsample, I'm a bda influende.
We were very glad you could come out. As you could see we have a great time. People also take a second look at the clod once they come and usually get addicted. The tuff trucks are fun but the clods are the main draw. We welcome any one who wants to come out and check it out. Monsters and Sled Dragons is also looking at maybe having a rental clod to someone who wants to give it a whirl before they make the plunge. As far as you building a clod Thundertech can help you out with the parts you need. Anyone of us we be able to help you otherwise. Thanks again for coming out! ERIC

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