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My newest fish
It's called a cowfish. He is very very small right now, no bigger than a penny is round.
[Image: homecoming020.jpg]
Also shown in this tank is my blue and yellow damsel.
[Image: homecoming018ag9.jpg]
Jeez that's alot for a fish! Mine were all <$10! Not total, price per fish.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
That thing looks like one tasty penny. LoL I wouldn't mind starting a saltwater tank sometime....
how large to they get on an average?
Same 'ol Fun!
Quarter to half dollar size I bet lol
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
Special features of interest about cowfish:

Rather than a skeleton, they have a body of exterior fused plates that form a box.
Their unique method of swimming, called ostraciform swimming, causes them to look as if they are hovering.
They have no pelvic skeleton, so they lack pelvic fins.
They have the ability to release ostracitoxin, a poison that can kill all tank inhabitants.

Just a little something I read about the Cowfish... That last one would have me concerned, after spending a decent amount on a few fish. Having a fish that can kill all the other fish in the tank, just by releasing a toxin could be a bad thing...
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
Also, it appears that depending on the breed of cowfish, it can grow anywhere from 6-20 inches long.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
wow. if it does kill the rest of them, i say get a carnivorus fish (pharina sp?) and see who wins!
Same 'ol Fun!
My tank=Saltwater
eaither way there has to be an agressive salt water fish that would make it interseting. im just playin with ya. any other fish in your tank?
Same 'ol Fun!
Just those two for now. I'll get another somethin or another next sunday
how much would an eel or something close go for? just tossin up ideas. do you have a local place that has exotic fish? sorry for the odd questions. i dig tanks but i really dont have the time or money to take it up. and my cats are smart and always hungry. lol
Same 'ol Fun!
Cool tank!
I set up a 20 gal tall afew years ago. Fresh water. I had bad luck. My tropical fish kept dying. Twice because I would think, how haw about one more fish, then it would end up having ick and kill them all.
This time, my neighbors kid plucked a few wild koi from a local lake and they have been doing great since.
You're never to old to be immature

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