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Saddam FULL Video
rocco79 Wrote:I think a conversion that doesnt center around what revo motor is better is a nice change....
btw.. You dont look like a harvard man!

Thats what I get for not "applying" myself in high school. If I would have taken all honors classes like I could have I would have been able to get scholarships for a school like that. Also I sent the app. in as a joke and apparently I scored high enough to get accepted(I think they had to meet some quota or something) But I got an acceptence letter in the mail saying that it would only cost me $20,000 a semester. Guess why I didn't go.

Quote:Yeah i agree, a nice change of pace from the normal RC pizza bash. I love BS'ing and debating. It's nothing personal.

Hence the Sox VS. Cubs debate, and the Revo VS. Savage debate! Just something different and you get to see that people who play with toy cars can be smart!

Edit: forgot the Ford Vs. Chevy debate! Sorry But mopar might be a little slow but they always do it better!!!
Saddam was a POS. No doubt,but did he have chemical weapons? He had what he needed to make them. And he did have them at one point. Funny thing is,even though none were found. Where did they go? He never sold them because there were not records of it nor has any other country jumped up to say 'yep,we got'em at half price too!'. All that stuff is unaccounted for but yet because we were unable to find the chemicals. We are the bad guys. Hey,whatever makes people happy.

As for all these other theories about 9/11. I know what I saw the day it happened. Racing from funeral home to funeral home just so I could catch another 15min video clip. And then watching it that night on NBC. I know what I watched on TV and on shows for the past 5 years. So where are these other video clips are coming from. I have no clue but they are not what I saw on the major networks. As I said before. For every person that the 'other theory' group brings out. The other side can bring out someone to counter and it goes around and around.

But here is another great point to this. Most of the world says the holocaust did happen. The camps are still standing. We have held trials against those who ran those camps. Yet there are many who say that is all a lie. Same for the lunar landing and other space missions before it. Soon they will say the mars landings are fake too(if not already).

But it seems that no matter how much proof there is that something happened. No matter how many people you march out there backing you up. How much video you put on the air. There will always be people who will doubt it. Say the people are actors or paid off to lie. The video is faked or has been edited to look real. That is the world we live in,those are the people that we deal with everyday.

It has been said that you shouldn't believe everything you see on TV. That doesn't mean you should believe everything that goes against what you saw on TV. Do I believe everything that happened on 9/11 happened for real? Yes,and I believe it will happen again until this world is in a nuclear winter and 90% of the people on this planet are dead or dying.
Oh and the Florida thing? That was a total joke. Why do you think many call it Floriduh. Gods waiting room screwed up. They cant even put a hole in some paper. How many times did they count those things? And they wanted to count more. Like it would have made a difference! One person could say it was ok,the other person could say it was no good. They would still be counting today if it was not stopped!
Quote:As for all these other theories about 9/11. I know what I saw the day it happened. Racing from funeral home to funeral home just so I could catch another 15min video clip. And then watching it that night on NBC. I know what I watched on TV and on shows for the past 5 years. So where are these other video clips are coming from. I have no clue but they are not what I saw on the major networks. As I said before. For every person that the 'other theory' group brings out. The other side can bring out someone to counter and it goes around and around.

And the government has no control over the major news networks? Or what they say? HA!!! I'll believe what they tell me the day they actually show NEWS! Not the story of another 6 foot tall black male robbing someone or being involved in a drive by shooting.
FloriDUH!! LOL!!!
T-T-T Confusedalute:
Let me guess,you have also seen the silent black choppers too right? I do laugh at all of this really. It makes me wonder what people would do with their lives if they didnt always have to find another reason to explain things.
Casketman Wrote:Let me guess,you have also seen the silent black choppers too right? I do laugh at all of this really. It makes me wonder what people would do with their lives if they didnt always have to find another reason to explain things.
The ones with the ejection seats? I'm not looking for another reason to explain. I want the truth, and there is no way in hell I'm going to believe what fox news tells me!
I didnt say fox news. Then again. CNN(clinton news network) isnt any better. But that doesnt mean that those wack jobs out there are right either.

But also remember. When searching for the truth. Sometimes you search to hard and it just happens to be sitting there right in front of you.
I seen those black choppers about 12 years ago in the city. Its not like i seen a UFO or something so its not really that hard to believe, and they didnt sound silent to me.

It doesnt surprise me at all that some people will just accept the amount of BS that is fed to them and never question why.
T-T-T Confusedalute:
Apperently questioning anything makes you a crack pot.... Just like the Seinfelds Magic Loogie theroy
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
Sorry but what are the "black choppers"?
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
The black choppers are part of supposed sercret military force... They are silent and are used by big brother....
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
Did you mean to link the seinfeld video again rocco?
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
Dammit... No.. Hold on.
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
you guys that believe the internet video screaming conspiracy, do any of you know who made that video?
Mugen MBX5T
Futaba 3PM
Hitec 5955, 5965
Well then here is another question. How do you know that all this 'other theory' stuff about everything isnt a front put up by big brother?
I dont know who made any of any videos, but they do put the credits after it. Watch it if you want to see for yourself.

Thats just it, you really dont know.

Darwins theory of Evolution is considered a conspiracy and the work of the devil if mentioned below the bible belt. Even though there is scientific evidence to prove that theory, the bible says otherwise.

No matter what, there is always going to be two sides of belief and one side that opposes the other. Its normal.
T-T-T Confusedalute:
And another thing, The Earth is FLAT dagnabit! I can SEE it is flat, I walk on it for cryin out laud! I dont roll down it, how would anybody stand up??
It was created that way on purpose 6000 years ago!

But seriously, to say something like, "I'm educated and I know what I saw!" You are talking about pictures, that you saw, of skid marks and such, posted by an unnamed source on the internet right? Or are you sawing that you witnessed the event or otherwise visited the site? The rumers about the wrechage and damage being there beforehand? Who made these observations?
BTW, the tire tracks were mine. Sorry, I was POed at the IRS and did a lawn job on the Pentagon by mistake. I was a little tipsy at the time.
Oh yeah, and it was me who made all those crop circles too. I was bored before I found this forum. I got the idea from my grandfather who went stmping around the woods pretending to be bigfoot.
You're never to old to be immature
Here’s is a story for ya about how much of an effect the media has on the some of the citizens.
Texas Boy Hangs Self; Saw Saddam on TV
By Associated Press
Fri Jan 5, 9:32 AM

HOUSTON - A 10-year-old boy was apparently mimicking Saddam Hussein's execution when he hanged himself from a bunk bed, police and family members said.

Sergio Pelico was found dead Sunday in his apartment bedroom after watching a news report on the execution of the former Iraqi leader, said Webster Police Lt. Tom Claunch.

"Our gut reaction is that he was experimenting," Claunch said after officials spoke with family members. An autopsy of the fifth-grader's body was pending.

Julio Gustavo, Sergio's uncle, described the boy as happy and curious. He said Sergio had watched TV news with another uncle on Saturday and asked the uncle about Saddam's death.

"His uncle told him it was because Saddam was real bad," Gustavo said. "He (Sergio) said, 'OK.' And that was it."

"I don't think he thought it was real," Gustavo said. "They showed them putting the noose around his neck and everything. Why show that on TV?"

Sergio's mother, Sara Pelico DeLeon, was at work Sunday and her children were being watched by a relative when one of them found Sergio's body, Gustavo said.

Police said the boy had tied a slipknot around his neck while on a bunk bed. Sergio had been upset about not getting a Christmas gift from his father, police said, but they don't believe he intentionally killed himself. Gustavo said the boy's father lives in New Jersey.

Family members held a memorial for the boy Wednesday in the apartment complex activity center. Gustavo said the family is trying to put together enough money to send Sergio's body to Guatemala for burial.
Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie down. Confusedalute:
evil3 paint works<-- my site lol(AKA PyroMike, carbonmadness)
I heard that and just laughed.
ya this is another one of those im a shitty parent but its societys fault my kid is stupid, time to sue someone!
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Sue Iraq?
uhhh no all the news stations that put the footage up
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Even better!

CBS,NBC,ABC,WGN,FOX,CNN,MSNBC. All of them.... $$$$$$$$$$
because 20 billion dollars will bring the memories of my child back
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"

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