01-17-2007, 09:34 PM
Anyone using the 3PK Super ? I am using the older 3Pk and would like to have some input b4 buying one of the Supers .
Futaba 3PK Super
01-17-2007, 09:34 PM
Anyone using the 3PK Super ? I am using the older 3Pk and would like to have some input b4 buying one of the Supers .
01-17-2007, 09:35 PM
they are supposed to be considerably faster than the older model
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-17-2007, 09:40 PM
The older ones I have can do most everything an RC needs ...the Supers have the 70/30 feature and some other 5th scale settings and that is what I am after ....really hoping someone could tell me what they think of it .
Drive it like ya stole it .....
01-17-2007, 09:42 PM
ive seen alot of good reviews on the grid, alot of guys like it. Not too many people have liked the 70/30 better from what i have seen. Basically its a 3pk thats faster than spektrum
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-17-2007, 09:49 PM
K ...you got any links to the reviews ? I am also lookin to get itno the 2.4 GHZ Fasssst sytem that is availalbe for it too .
Drive it like ya stole it .....
01-17-2007, 10:03 PM
#20 of 89 by Brandon Howe (untchbl) on Fri Jan 5 18:47:17 2007:
The funny thing Is, I have friends that drive Airtonics servos with an m11 and old style spectrum and they fell my 3pk in hrs with 9351's is slower. Go figure that one out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #21 of 89 by John Rodgers (jrodgers) on Fri Jan 5 19:07:02 2007: Did you try theirs to see what you think? I run the 9350s except steering in my truggy (Hitec 5955) and the Airtronics come nowhere close. Everytime I try an M8/11 I keep overshooting the corners waiting for them to react and start turning. Usually when I hand my radio to an M8/11 user they are turning into the pipe until they get used to the quick reaction of the 3PK with HRS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #22 of 89 by Brandon Howe (untchbl) on Fri Jan 5 19:25:49 2007: John, I can't stand to drive anything that is airtronics based anymore. It's not that I can tell a delay, it just feels different (probably just in my head as Jeff S. would say). This really holds true for the ones I've drove that use the old spectrum stuff. I'm going to drive a couple different cars tonight since I don't have anything together to drive right at the moment, so I'll get back to you on how each of them feel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #23 of 89 by Adam Joiner (adam490) on Fri Jan 5 20:49:43 2007: Brandon, I run the 50/50. I can't hold the stupid Airtronics radio for longer than a 5 min. qualifier without my hand cramping up. It's a sign from God . Brandon what happened to the Losi? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #24 of 89 by JIM COUCH (ctek) on Fri Jan 5 20:57:13 2007: Is the futaba 2.4 in hrs mode as fast as the nomadio? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #25 of 89 by Karlton Spindle (karlton) on Fri Jan 5 21:08:41 2007: Nomadio 100Hz is still faster then fasst by 25Hz and less latency too -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #26 of 89 by Brandon Howe (untchbl) on Fri Jan 5 21:08:50 2007: Adam, I hear ya on how awkward the m11 is. Nothing really happened to my losi, it just has some runtime on it, and I want to try the Mugen. Some of the Losi parts wear faster then I want them to, and I'm going to drive a Mugen truck this year, so it was only natural that I try the buggy. If I don't like it, and Losi makes some material changes I'll go back to the 8 for this upcomgin season. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #27 of 89 by John Rodgers (jrodgers) on Fri Jan 5 21:10:01 2007: Bob keeps touting Namadio at 100Hz and the Futaba Fasst as 75Hz, but I tried a Nomadio and it didn't seem any faster. The Futaba has a much more precise feel to me. The quality of the 3PK is hard to match. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #28 of 89 by Karlton Spindle (karlton) on Fri Jan 5 21:16:50 2007: You tried a React? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #29 of 89 by John Rodgers (jrodgers) on Fri Jan 5 21:20:33 2007: Haven't had the chance to try a React yet. What is the frame rate to the servos on the Nomadio radios Karlton? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-17-2007, 10:04 PM
#30 of 89 by Tink! (re270) on Fri Jan 5 21:24:38 2007:
Thanks, I was just trying to figure out if it would be worth $250+ to outfit my truggy and buggy to the Fasst system over the Spektrum I have now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #31 of 89 by Karlton Spindle (karlton) on Fri Jan 5 21:30:33 2007: The react has 100Hz the processor is faster then the Sensor the latency is less too so try a React for pure speed. The FASST system is MUCH faster then the spek pro so if you need the speed then its worth it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #32 of 89 by Tink! (re270) on Fri Jan 5 21:33:51 2007: Im using the old stuff, so it shuld be MUCH MUCH faster. LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #33 of 89 by Tink! (re270) on Fri Jan 5 21:34:09 2007: shuld = should -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #34 of 89 by Karlton Spindle (karlton) on Fri Jan 5 21:51:35 2007: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #35 of 89 by bub hudson (bubba53b) on Sat Jan 6 02:15:52 2007: So I'm looking at changing receivers from Futaba R203HF HRS to either the synthesized Futaba receiver to work with my synthesized module in my 3pk or changing and going totally with the 2.4 fasst system in the 3pk. Wondering how much differnce between the two set ups? Also wondering if the Pro's are switching to the 2.4 or staying with the synthesized stuff? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #36 of 89 by Kendall Bennett (kendallb) on Mon Jan 8 02:33:08 2007: Go for the 2.4Ghz system. No glitching. I have had some problems with glitching with the regular FM system if you run electric with brushless motors and carbo fiber chasssis' (same with my JR synth setup). Basically FM simply does not like carbon fiber :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #37 of 89 by John Rodgers (jrodgers) on Mon Jan 8 02:40:09 2007: I never had any glitching with my crystal based HRS receivers even with carbon-fiber/brushless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #38 of 89 by Kendall Bennett (kendallb) on Mon Jan 8 02:55:44 2007: It could have been a bad receiver I suppose. My JR Z1 simply won't work with the Reddy brushless system on a carbon fiber chassis, so I assumed it was the same issue. I went to the Fasst system and have not looked back :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #39 of 89 by Adam Joiner (adam490) on Mon Jan 8 03:33:00 2007: Can't go wrong with the FASST, even the name is cool . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #40 of 89 by Scott Cramer (cosmo) on Tue Jan 9 18:59:59 2007: I always find it entertaining to read some of these posts. Every one seems to be so concerned with how FASST this system is or how fast that systems is. In reality, there are about 12 people in the entire world that can actually feel the difference...especially in offroad where the track changes every single lap! Drivers should be more concerned about "does it glitch?" or "is it inconsistant" instead of speed. With the Futaba system, I have not heard of any glitching problems. The Spektrum system on the other hand... With the FASST system and the 3PK...Futaba is hands down the best radio on the market...period. BTW: LeMieux just TQed and won 19turn and mod foam at the Novak race. You can't get more percise and have more interference then mod sedan foam tires on carpet...glitching, slow response...I don't think so! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #41 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Tue Jan 9 19:06:42 2007: Just ordered my 3PK Super and FASST system yesterday. I'm excited! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #42 of 89 by Kendall Bennett (kendallb) on Tue Jan 9 20:21:39 2007: Make that 13, as I can tell the difference :-) But that was between the Futaba HRS FM system and the original Spektrum. Good deal Jeff! Get a nice LiPo pack from patrick to cut down the weight, and you will be dialed :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #43 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Tue Jan 9 20:33:51 2007: Already have one, Patrick is the man! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #44 of 89 by Wade Bynum (kcobra) on Tue Jan 9 21:12:34 2007: I suck. I never can tell the difference between my Futaba PCM recievers and HRS recievers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #45 of 89 by Adam Lancia (canadian) on Tue Jan 9 21:55:21 2007: i probably won't feel anything between the hrs and spektrum wade, don't worry man there are others just as slow as us out there, we gotta stick together man!!!!!! lol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #46 of 89 by max pedraza (maxx44) on Tue Jan 9 22:19:08 2007: Does anybody know where to get 9350 gears? I stripped out the white plastic one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #47 of 89 by Jason Branham (jb10j) on Tue Jan 9 22:33:08 2007: Try Towerhobbies.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #48 of 89 by max pedraza (maxx44) on Tue Jan 9 22:52:23 2007: Do I have to buy the gears as a set or can I buy the 1st gear seperate? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #49 of 89 by Bryan P. (bp) on Tue Jan 9 22:56:22 2007: Search for part number FGS9151 on Tower. It's the 9151 gear set but the 1st gear is the same. $7.29. #50 of 89 by Adam Lancia (canadian) on Tue Jan 9 23:26:46 2007: i think i've heard someone say you can get them through hobby services but i'm unsure of the contact info. scott cramer knows for sure though -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #51 of 89 by max pedraza (maxx44) on Wed Jan 10 00:46:04 2007: Thank you!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-17-2007, 10:04 PM
#52 of 89 by Michael Kwiatkowski (hopper) on Wed Jan 10 02:43:52 2007:
Jeff you're gonna love it... Mine is awesome! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #53 of 89 by Michael Kwiatkowski (hopper) on Wed Jan 10 02:45:42 2007: Oh yeah I have the ballistic 1600 lipo in it as well. Man that thing is so sweet. I used it for 3 full race days and it was still at 12.2v I just charged it for the heck of it. AWESOME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #54 of 89 by Michael A Clark (litlemac) on Wed Jan 10 06:00:53 2007: I have had my 3PK super with FASST system and i love it. I gave my wife my first 3PK with Spektrum HRS and i could feel the difference right away. The FUTABA 3PK Super is the best radio ever made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #55 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Wed Jan 10 16:08:53 2007: I've been running M8's and M11's for 3+ years now, I just hope adjusting to new ergonomics doesn't take too long... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #56 of 89 by Tripp Eurey (tripp) on Wed Jan 10 16:20:17 2007: When I went from my M11 to the 3PKS I istalled the drop down and it feels close to what I was used to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #57 of 89 by Bobby Phillips (superpb) on Wed Jan 10 17:28:43 2007: Jeff, i just switched over to Futaba myself and I noticed an immediate change in ergonomics. M11 would cramp my hand about the 15-20 min mark and the 3PK (with dropdown) never did in 30 min. In my experience, in my hands, the ergonomics are better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #58 of 89 by Brandon Howe (untchbl) on Wed Jan 10 17:33:34 2007: I've got two weeks on my 3pk Jeff, going from my Z1 and I'm still getting familiar with it. Hou are going to try and pull brake a couple times and your finger will totally miss. Everyone that drives a M11 and tries my stuff out does this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #59 of 89 by David Warren (daswarre) on Thu Jan 11 01:44:56 2007: Has anyone tried the Futaba S9451? For the past two years I have ran the S9350 and S9351 and they have worked great. Just curious if anyone has tried the S9451? Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #60 of 89 by Matt B (breezy) on Thu Jan 11 03:09:05 2007: I run the 9451 for T/B in both my truggy and buggy for over a year now with no issues. They are wicked fast and plenty of torque for brake. I have carried a spare but since I havent had any problems I let someone else use it becuase I am confident that these are never going to die. At $80 a servo I dont think there is a better choice for throttle brake. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #61 of 89 by John Rodgers (jrodgers) on Thu Jan 11 03:45:42 2007: +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #62 of 89 by Chris Arnold (arnold) on Thu Jan 11 13:59:26 2007: doctor warren i have a 2 of them one on teh steering in my t4 and the other will be going on t/b in my scale -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #63 of 89 by vito (vitopela) on Thu Jan 11 14:44:03 2007: Has anyone tried the FASST system with a LIPO 7,2V? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #64 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Thu Jan 11 16:14:55 2007: I got both my cars converted over to my new Futaba TX/RX combo - The 3PK Super is pretty easy to program, I really like the direct access menu. With the wheel dropdown, it gets the wheel close to the same position as the M11, although it feels like the wheel sticks out a little more from the radio than it did on the M11. With a LiPo battery onboard, it's 4 ounces lighter than the M11 without a battery in it. The new "Super" wheel is very nice, I like the foam on it a lot, although it does need to be glued down, since it seems to slide a bit. The FASST system was super easy to bind, even easier than a Spektrum system. I've been running the original Spektrum modules and receivers for 2 years now, I'm curious to see if this "feels" any faster. The receiver size is nice and small, no fit issues in Mugen RX boxes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #65 of 89 by Kendall Bennett (kendallb) on Fri Jan 12 03:38:01 2007: Vito, yes, but I run a regulator. I think you should always run a regulator to keep the voltage consistent until the end of your race. No brake fade that way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #66 of 89 by bub hudson (bubba53b) on Fri Jan 12 04:21:24 2007: OK, were is the best place to get the Lipo's for 3pk and receiver's, and Voltage regulator. Kendall I see you have voltage regulators back ordered. Are they coming in soon! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #67 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Fri Jan 12 04:31:45 2007: Try http://www.ballisticbatteries.com/ for the TX packs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #68 of 89 by bub hudson (bubba53b) on Fri Jan 12 04:56:10 2007: Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #69 of 89 by Kendall Bennett (kendallb) on Fri Jan 12 06:35:05 2007: Bub, we have the Ballistic packs, but we are waiting on our next shipment to arrive. Hopefully it will be soon: http://www.amainhobbies.com/index.php?cP...lter_id=13 0 Not sure what is up with the Much More Regulators. I will get in touch with them again and see if we can speed up the process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #70 of 89 by bub hudson (bubba53b) on Fri Jan 12 06:58:24 2007: Thanks Kendall --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-17-2007, 10:04 PM
#71 of 89 by Bobby Phillips (superpb) on Fri Jan 12 10:44:56 2007:
Bob, http://www.HTBatteries.com is another source also. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #72 of 89 by Tink! (re270) on Fri Jan 12 18:57:54 2007: +1 HT Batteries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #73 of 89 by JIM COUCH (ctek) on Fri Jan 12 20:56:09 2007: Can the FASST receiver handle 7.2 volts without a regulator? I run a 7.2 lipo now with a regulator but it would be nice not to have to use one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #74 of 89 by Eric Beier (yzlvr) on Fri Jan 12 22:33:29 2007: Jim the 2 cell pack is 8.4V fully charged, so that is when you need the 6V regulator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #75 of 89 by Michael Kwiatkowski (hopper) on Sat Jan 13 00:34:05 2007: Jeff... if your running HRS don't forget to set the failsafes on the radio... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #76 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Sat Jan 13 01:04:07 2007: I have one analog servo out of 4, so I have to run PPM. Have fun in Tahoe this weekend, I bet it's gonna be brrr'fing'brrrr up there... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #77 of 89 by James T. Little (jtlittle) on Sat Jan 13 22:53:56 2007: Is anyone running any radio without a reulator and 2 cell lipo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #78 of 89 by Adam Joiner (adam490) on Sun Jan 14 00:25:02 2007: Joor was for a while. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #79 of 89 by Eric Beier (yzlvr) on Sun Jan 14 06:33:47 2007: you will burn up your servos after a while #80 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Sun Jan 14 15:02:39 2007: The main issue isn't running at 7.2v, it's running a freshly peaked pack that measures out at almost 9v. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #81 of 89 by vito (vitopela) on Mon Jan 15 11:13:35 2007: James I'm running always a 2 cell lipo without regulator and i don't have any issues with servos or receiver. I don't know if FASST receiver can handle 7,2v. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #82 of 89 by Aaron Sikes (asikes) on Mon Jan 15 18:19:43 2007: Anyone have the aluminum plug that will screw into the futaba antenna hole after a Fasst system is installed? I remember them in a magazine, but it was over 4 months ago. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #83 of 89 by Jeff Schwartz (jeffs) on Mon Jan 15 18:42:52 2007: KMW makes them, but their site shows out of stock: http://www.kmwracing.com/cart/home.php?cat=251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #84 of 89 by Bryan P. (bp) on Mon Jan 15 20:54:19 2007: Check with Peter Martin at TKO. That's where I got mine. He sells the KMW stuff. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #85 of 89 by Aaron Sikes (asikes) on Wed Jan 17 19:17:10 2007: I ordered it from TKO, thanks Bryan. Going to make the switch from Airtronics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #86 of 89 by Bobby Phillips (superpb) on Wed Jan 17 19:50:43 2007: Glad to hear Aaron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #87 of 89 by Jim Larrimore (jimsxcar) on Wed Jan 17 20:30:39 2007: Everyone is jumping ship to Futaba. Good stuff. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #88 of 89 by John Perez (jpz67) on Wed Jan 17 23:37:28 2007: Futaba quality is second to none. I have been a huge supporter of airtronics equipment for 6 years but here recently it seems there product has went down hill. I cannot keep airtronics servos in my vehicles, and dont get me wrong I am no rookie, I know how to install and maintain my electronics but they just dont last. Since my switch to futaba everything has been great so far, but only time will tell on the overall longevity and reliability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #89 of 89 by Aaron Sikes (asikes) on Thu Jan 18 03:01:43 2007: Yeah. got my 2.4 today, still no radio. It looks fast though.
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-17-2007, 10:04 PM
that is the whole thread off the grid so far
Here is a link to my website-
http://www.czech-it-out-graphics.com 1/29/07 never forget....TTT alute: Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you "Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
01-21-2007, 10:42 PM
Well I did it ...went and got one ...got a smokin deal on a brand new one from Hobby Town of all places ..now it is time to figure out all the new functions and how the new menu is laid out
Drive it like ya stole it .....
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