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This Is The One You've Been Waiting For.
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:why not drawing once a week till their is a winner? Give guys a little sense of urgency to get a ticket
Im not sure what you mean:confused:

well like say every monday night do the drawing until a taken number gets drawn that way it elimnates untaken numbers and it lights a spark under some guys to say oh chit i should get a number then if somebody wins raffle over
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:well like say every monday night do the drawing until a taken number gets drawn that way it elimnates untaken numbers and it lights a spark under some guys to say oh chit i should get a number then if somebody wins raffle over

Problem with this, is it GUARANTEES that Slow will be out at least half of the money of the prizes. It is in no way fair to him to give out $2000 in prizes, for $1000 in tix sold.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
We should just buy the rest of the tickets. I am just waiting until there are fewer left like I said earlier, and then I will buy a couple.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are waiting to buy, that is why it is taking so long to sell off.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
I know what you mean. I just can't have that kind of money (even only $20 or $40) tied up right now. I may need it for something sooner down here at school before the drawing date. Once the drawing date is close (I.E. most of the numbers sold) then I will know that I have the money available.
Only other option that MIGHT work, is to cut the prize package in half, making the total prize worth $1000, then have everyone who has already paid for numbers pick another set (If they paid for 2, pick 2 more, paid for 3, pick 3 more, etc.) The winner would then get to pick $1000 worth of Prizes.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
ahhh i get it now
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
I say we leave it. I get paid tuesday. I need to order a bike part or two, and a couple more things for my RC. If I get everything and have money left over I will buy mine I guess......
Also..... Can I post this on the TruggyRacers forum??
post it on whatever forums, let's get these sold.

What I do on other forums is link this thread so they can see all the details and numbers list here without having to spell everything out for them over there.

I am having trouble coming up with the $40 I need for 2 more numbers. Between finishing the Losi and bills I have $0 left. It sucks....
Mugen MBX5T
Futaba 3PM
Hitec 5955, 5965
I posted it on the TruggyRacers forum. I imagine you will get at least a couple wanting to enter a raffle for one of the best setups on the market right now.
truggyracers blows....
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
so do i
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
thanks for changing that roc, it originally said so does his mom....
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
rocco79 Wrote:truggyracers blows....

Moderating seems to be a bit strict there but it is ok. Had some problems getting it posted but I just told people to PM me. The whole post with info was removed.Sad
what are u talkin about?
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:what are u talkin about?

The moderator there considered it gambling and since gambling is illegal in ohio where their board is hosted he pulled all of the info on the thread I posted off.
Truggyracers blows
You're never to old to be immature
Now damnit guys stop saying it blows if there are people from that forum interested in entering the raffle or joining here. You don't need to join there but don't bash it like that..... it's not the Traxxas forums. HAha
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:Confusedlap:
i payed for one today. thanks again slow revo for taking our time to do this
Hi im johnny knoxville and welcome to jackass
You do have to be careful that the prizes are substantially different in value than the total of the tickets sold, otherwise they can consider it an illegal lottery. That's what put so many "fashion shows" out of business at the lunch spots we used to frequent.

Joe can prolly file for "Not For Profit" status on these deals, though.
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
paypal payment sent

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