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Post up pics of your dirtbikes, atv's, etc.
FreeRideFrosty Wrote:Looks a lot bigger without you on it. Hahaha
:bustingup :lol:
rc crawling headquarters and great customer support!
lol i thought that was real size until i realized that he bought the mini one.
yes it cause of bubba but then he changed his #. lol i cristened it for the first time this year.

[Image: 100_1300.jpg]
[Image: 100_1302.jpg]
[Image: 100_1301.jpg]

thats just from a corn field. i busted out a 50 ft rooster tail
The worst dirtbiker is always one step ahead of even the best quad rider....

Tex Wrote:WTF, racing ranger 2?????? and racing ranger 1???? #2 needs his ass kicked for taking someone elses name.
i do that in our trails sometimes and at the track in the sand. My stepdads 450 is like a shovel! he purposely gets right in front of me and just cracks the throllte and i get pounded with rocks and clumps of dirt.
motoxer4life Wrote:i do that in our trails sometimes and at the track in the sand. My stepdads 450 is like a shovel! he purposely gets right in front of me and just cracks the throllte and i get pounded with rocks and clumps of dirt.
Wheres the pics of your 85? lol.
Did I miss this one? Picture time....
[Image: DCP_8218.JPG]
[Image: 100_0722.JPG]
[Image: DCP_0755.JPG]
[Image: DCP_8257.JPG]
[Image: DCP_2757.JPG]
[Image: DCP_2765.JPG]
[Image: DCP_2747.JPG]

MBX5T - O.S.
MBX5R - Novarossi
Whats that on the front of the ATV?
a plow...
The worst dirtbiker is always one step ahead of even the best quad rider....

Tex Wrote:WTF, racing ranger 2?????? and racing ranger 1???? #2 needs his ass kicked for taking someone elses name.
Oh, cool.....
Ha i have the same one on the front of my Recon. Looks like Meatwad is enjoying himself on that 110 LOL.
Went riding on friday. 80% of the track was underwater so or so badily water logged that your tires just spun when you rolled on the throttle, so i go to mess around on a little 20 footer on the far side of the track thats in the open, so its was dried. Most of the pics are just of the bikes cleaned up, good pics to come. Enjoy the pics:
[Image: 100_2242-1.jpg]
The PW50 thats forsale. Me and my brother ran half a tank of gas (5 hours of riding) through it and then i cleaned the carb and tuned it up.
[Image: 100_2248.jpg]
The CR80R next to the CRF150R Expert
[Image: 100_2249.jpg]
[Image: 100_2251.jpg]
All 3 bikes
[Image: 100_2252.jpg]
[Image: 100_2254.jpg]
I took my quad through some serious mud, but luckily it was more water then anything to it wasn't too dirty-
[Image: 100_2256.jpg]
Nice bikes!
The one looks soooo little comared to the other two. lol
Yeah thats true but its still fast!
How fast?
That 150F is bad ass. I wish they had bikes like that beck when I was around 100lbs.. So tell me what that power is like compared to that 80. When I went from a 250 to my yzf I couldnt believe how much more powerand how smooth it was. It instantly made me a better rider at the track jumping stuff I wouldnt of looked at on a 2stroke. Same for the small bored or what?!?

MBX5T - O.S.
MBX5R - Novarossi
That 150 is insane. Lifts the wheel if you let the clutch out to fast. I was rippin wheelies during break in. I will forever love that CR though, its a beast. My 150 can eat a two-stroke 125 with ease.
Heres some of my pocketbikes...2 watercooled 1 aircooled.The ff green bike is a 50cc w/ a Jimmer tuned pipe,carbon fiber double stacked reed,6/68 gear hit 43 mph before the mods.The black half fairing is a 39cc and is stock.The bike without the fairing was a 39cc but i installed a big bore kit,ported the transfer,boost port,exhaust ported,tuned pipe,6/64 gear,ported carb,jetted,double stacked reeds.

[Image: bansheesho001.jpg]
[Image: bansheesho003.jpg]
[Image: Image027.jpg]
[Image: bansheesho010.jpg]
now thos are pocket rockets!
The worst dirtbiker is always one step ahead of even the best quad rider....

Tex Wrote:WTF, racing ranger 2?????? and racing ranger 1???? #2 needs his ass kicked for taking someone elses name.
Yeah they are. They are fast. There is a guy in Michigan by my aunts house who has a pocket bike with a 1998 Suzuki RM80 motor in it, i rode it and it just lifts wheelies, its awesome.
Yes they are long as you know what your doing Smile .The ones i have are Chinese made,the real nice ones are the European bikes.But i couldnt see spending over $2k for one unless i take the sport seriously.Me and my buddies back home in Vegas use to ride every week at a track event but since i moved here...i havent really been active with the bikes.Here`s a pic of my buddy practicing in a lot where we set up a track.Him and his brother travel all over to compete.They have 4 bikes that are $3500/each:eek:

[Image: IMG_0104_6.jpg]
Ill have to get pics of the Polaris 500 Pete!

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