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My pet peev.....
I wish people would respect the property of others a little more.....

[Image: DSCN1349.jpg]
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
i hate that and when your the only one in the back of a parking lot an idiot has to park right next to you and ding your car. god i hate people
Is that your Lexus Dave?

Nice ride!

Mugen MBX5T C6BB - RB2020
Team Losi 8ight V-Spec - JP1
Kyosho SP2 - P5X - Nova9853
Kyosho ST-R - rolling chassis
why do people have to be douche bags. what also pisses me off is when you at a resturant and people sit at the table right next to you when it not busy.
I hate people who "Share" your spot, like in the picture. And I know the Lexus was there first, because he parks in the same spot every day, and parks in the same way everyday, and I'm normally in the spot next to him. This Buick parks like this (badly) eveyrwhere everyday. The sad part is that my building is full of employees for a major auto insurer, and the employee all drive and park like idiots. They must get free insurance.
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
Stahoo Wrote:Is that your Lexus Dave?

Nice ride!

You've seen my "lexus" ...... NOT !!!
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
My pet peevs:
-people who chew on their nails
-when the movie theater is empty and somebody sits next to you
-Drivers who don't know what a turn signal is for
-children in cars without seatbelts
-Bad customer service
-People in the 10 items or less Express lane with 20 f@#$% items
-women who burp out loud
-women who smoke cigarettes
-people who can't figure out how to replace the roll of toilet paper
he parked like that so nobody would park next time him and accidently swing there doors open and ding his car.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
I got hit in my lot. No note, just a 600 estimate.
Later I got T-boned a few weeks ago. Their fault, but the lady tries to say I cut her off and crashed into her! People suck.
You're never to old to be immature
was she on the phone at the time?
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
No, she was trying to make a left turn, but was only looking for traffic to clear on the right. I was almost past her when she crashed into my pass side and trashed the side of my van from bow to stern.
However, I lady on her cell phone almost hit me yesterday, Pulled out right in front me going down Cass Ave. I took evasive and avoided her GINORMOUS Navigator and ended up next to her at the next light - still talking on the phone, totally oblivious.
You're never to old to be immature
people are idiots on the road in this state. I had to go to the doctor and I got diagnosed for middle fingeritus. People just pull out in front of you and never get to the speed limit. People driving 10mph under the limit. People comming to complete stops when making a turn off a busy street, ect ect. Im not one to speed but maybe 5 over the limit, I just want to do the limit and be on my way.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
Today I was on the Elgin Ohare and it was merging due to construction by the Roselle exit.

A car in front stopped dead, then got in.
Now it is my turn and the two cars next to me would not let me in and the Semi behind them would not let me in. I had no where to go but hit the horses by inches.
I was pissed and almost was taken out by the semi so I went avoid them all and cut right in front of the jerk off who would not let me in by agressivly driving around the horses.
Then the butt head looks at me and flicks me off---I am like wht you ticked at me you started this mess by not letting me in.

What ticks me off is the trucker who can see I had no where to go and the car in front of him.

The lane merges, geeze it is not so hard to let cars in alternatly.

PPL were just being assholes out there today
Life is like Beavers, One Damn thing after another- Unknown
If your not breakin parts your not going fast enough-Biodragen

NTC3 RTR assoc .15
NTC3 OS .18

Losi 8T, JR8611a ST servo, Futaba 9350 Th\Brk Servo, RB-C6BB Motor and Novarossi 528XR.
thats everyday. people drive like morons
The whole alternating thing is lost on Illinois/DuPage's a sign of weakness to let someone in front of their car has something to prove. Self-important beotches. Don't get me going on female/cell/SUV's. AHHH!
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
I sometimes take up two spots, but I am the one that parks far away that there are usually no cars anywhere near where I park.
FS-Sportwerks 1/8 Hauler
Michowski Wrote:he parked like that so nobody would park next time him and accidently swing there doors open and ding his car.

Ryan, if you are thinking the car on the left parked like that first, and the Lexus parked next to him...nope, the Lexus was there before the Buick. The Buick always just swings into any spot and leaves it crooked, over the lines, superclose to the other car, any old way. Just thoughtless, careless parking. The car is already beat.
Dave, he sounds like a total dick!
"if guns cause crime, all of mine are defective" - Ted Nugent
Take some initiative dave! Get a bucket o street yellow paint and paint the line right down the hood/roof back of his car!


And people drive like assholes. I was at a light yesterday about 10 cars back, and there was an intersection right where I was so I left it open (like you should) Well then some left turners wanted to go into the intersection that I left open. Well, ok, fine with me. But then the light turns green and I start rolling and this (and I'm not eggagerating(sp?)) dumb blonde ditz on her phone cut right infront of me!!! And she was MANY cars back in the left turn line! Layed on the horn and grumbled a few *choice* words.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
#20 about the people who come from 300 yards back, cross over the centerline and go head on with oncoming traffic, passing stopped cars to get up into the left turn lane? Or go up the center turning lane for 1/4 mile (like around Ogden and Finley), that's just asking to get creamed.
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
I dont get cut off. I am the guy will let ONE car in if you have to merge. I always let one car in because its the way it should be done. I dont care if its a sports car or a little old gramma. Thats just how I want things done. Also if you think your going to speed up and try to pass me then cut me off, slam on the brakes, and make your turn you better think twice. If you think I will move an inch your dead wrong. I garuntee my truck will give a lot more damage to any car then I will take on.

Plus whats really awesome is having an air horn Big Grin. People definatly get out of my way if I use those. I only use those if you really piss me off tho. So if they hear it then prepare to get cut off, or flipped off, or boxed inbetween some slower drivers, or whatever my tiny brain can think of in the moment.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
One of my only pet peeves is signaling. I ALWAYS use my turn signal. So many people don't and it really gets to me. I drive quite aggressively, but I always signal. I can be cutting you off or passing at 100+ so by the time you see me I'm gone, but I will still signal. I guess its one more ticket I won't get if/when I get pulled over for speeding.
key his car dave
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1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
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I don't drive like a Granny, but I let EVERYONE and their brother in front of me if they want. I guess it comes out of my job, and driving mentally ill clients around - dont want to upset anybody. But I get POed when every day, someone in the left turn lane changes their mind. Either they just go straight and race you to the front, or they sit there holding everyone up until they can merge. Either way, they should be locked up. If I make a mistake like that I just make the darn left turn and then turn around.
You're never to old to be immature
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:key his car dave

It bugs me, but then I let it go and de-stress. Posting it is like it's stressing y'all, not me Big Grin
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.

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