08-18-2007, 01:18 PM
People around the Track are getting edgey, nothing can really be done with out hairs raising or heads smoking. i'm not one to play or be disrespected, my rules are simple. I give respect only when Get it. 2nd, Anyone that wants to start off threating me wrongly, you are out of luck and I will not show you any different for the night. This night is all for fun and not get pissed and chew out someone else or any one else. I would say that any one who takes everything to offence should not be there, but it is a public place and anyone and everyone is allowed. Also KNOW IF YOU ARE BEING TALK TO, if your name isn't called or no one is speaking derectly to you then just chill out and mind your own. DON'T TAKE OUT PERSONAL PROBLEMS ON OTHERS. This is a night to injoy your cars.