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I work in social services in Melrose Park, and "SkewzmeSir" is the local call of the pan handler around here.

I heard it again today, trying to get lunch at Subway, I man sees me coming out of my van and beelines for me, "SkewzmeSir" then starts to mumble some reasone for asking for money. Sometimes they ask for food, but are dissapointed when I pull out a McDonanld's gift certificate, because they really only wanted money.

I get SkezmeSired a lot at the Wallgreens in town. By now I can totally see it coming. I get the "I'm $1.70 from getting the bus ticket I need" and I'm like, how did you get here?

Once I was approached at my table at a Church's Chicken by a man pushing a todler in front of him and he says, "will you help me feed my babies" WTF???? Sure, Ill call children's services and I am sure they will feed them for you.

Once, we had a group of patients out at a local McDonalds and this woman would SkewsmeSir me weekly for bus fair. One day an elderly couple heard her plight ad bought a meal for her. SHe was like "WTF!!! I dont need this!!! and yelled and freaked out till a cop came. Our patients on the outing - people with mental disabilities - comforted the shaken elderly couple saying how nice they were to do that and how much they would have appreciated that someone cared.

I know this rant sounds harsh, especially from someone in my field, but I know that someone with disabilities or who is homeless or otherwise poor can get help AT OUR OFFICES! But do get it together, they must get sober and seek employment and I guess that is too much to ask. I can't wait to get back into my own business.
You're never to old to be immature
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--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
do like i do just yell and say get a job! or stand there wide eyed and dumb founded with a slight smirk staring at them. When they ask for money I stand there picking my nose while they ask and then be like, sure! pull my finger out and dig some change out of my pocket and place the change along with my freshly picked booger in there hand! Man, im going to hell...... i hear ya on the food thing though. i once had a guy as for money to get food so i went in a small food shop and baught him a gyro. He didnt look to happy. oh well
If at first you dont succeed, suck another seed!:crazy:

I talk to Jesus, he cuts my grass!
My moms friend would do the same for some homeless person with a dog that hung out front of wal mart, she'd go in, get a jar of peanut butter and some dog food...I'm sure that the guy wasn't too happy...
i bet he'd be happy if he was creative with the peanut butter....
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1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:i bet he'd be happy if he was creative with the peanut butter....


I rant because this is the kind of thing that makes people think we live in a welfare state. Its not true. I bust my but every day with the very best people in the state to help the "worthy" poor and disabled. And we succeed! But man I wish people would do half as much to help themselves.

On a lighter note. I have great stories. "Mary" is a schizophrenic who the nursing home decided to help by allowing her to answer the phones because she has a really nice voice and seems to be stable. But she uses the phones to call the America's most wanted number to report that the voices she hears tell her that the president is in danger and she definateny knows of a plot to kill the first daughter! So the secret service actually shows up.....Confusedalute:
You're never to old to be immature
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:i bet he'd be happy if he was creative with the peanut butter....

LMFAO! thats funny as hell
mikeh Wrote:LMFAO!!!! HOLY COW!!!

On a lighter note. I have great stories. "Mary" is a schizophrenic who the nursing home decided to help by allowing her to answer the phones because she has a really nice voice and seems to be stable. But she uses the phones to call the America's most wanted number to report that the voices she hears tell her that the president is in danger and she definateny knows of a plot to kill the first daughter! So the secret service actually shows up.....Confusedalute:

No shit?!!??! They actually came!?
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:i bet he'd be happy if he was creative with the peanut butter....

Great minds bro! 1st thing i thought too when i read that
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
yeah, i get one of those everyday...

the same guy is always standing at the exit ramp of 290 and golf rd in schaumburg. i got tired of givin him my change so one day i brought him mcdonalds breakfast....THE SOB TURNED IT DOWN!!

i was i lil offended that he snuffed his nose up to it, so the next day when he came up to my car i gave him the trash that i had lying on my floor boards.

he looked really pissed off bout it but ever since then, he doesnt bother comin over to my car...WHICH IS FINE WITH ME!!

i understand that really chitty times fall apon people....but damn, beggers cant be choosers!!
LOSI 8IGHT B.....o.s v-spec .21
DM-1....Mario Rossi Tuned .21
rocco79 Wrote:No shit?!!??! They actually came!?

Oh yes, they take everything seriously!
They interviewed the staff at the nursing home and interviewed "Mary" and then she was admitted into the hospital for some medication adjustment.
You're never to old to be immature
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (this makes me mad) Confusedalute: TrueRC.comConfusedalute: (Fusion Fluids) Confusedalute: Nitrotoyz.comConfusedalute:Thercshack.comConfusedalute:Fastlane-graphix.comConfusedalute:
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:i bet he'd be happy if he was creative with the peanut butter....

Really old joke comes to mind about "puppy style"......
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
Hey some of them pan handler are honest. One I saw sign read. I have no money and I need a beer. Please help
hey if there honest fine ill give them money. hell i buy them the bottle but i cant stand the ones that park there bmw and go roll around in the dirt then get up and stand on the corner Confusedalute: TrueRC.comConfusedalute: (Fusion Fluids) Confusedalute: Nitrotoyz.comConfusedalute:Thercshack.comConfusedalute:Fastlane-graphix.comConfusedalute:
When we lived in the city we had some memorable experiences.
My wife was entering lower Wacker and came accross a "stalled" vehicle and a wild eyed crazed woman came screaming at her window shouting "I need some money!!!!", so my wife threw a fiver out the window to get her out of the way.

Once each month the same guy would have a breakdown with his car partially blocking the off ramp at 90 and Irving Park rd and would stare at you and wave to get your attention. If you were unfortunate enough to meet his eye, he would run over and describe how he had run out of gas. I fell for it the one time, but then he took my money and went right back ti his car, trying to get attention from the next cars coming. Then he would repeat this on a monthly basis.

My brother's father in law, who we call Cheif is a union electrician working at the board of trade. Cheif was walking out of the building when a fellow "tradesman" wearing a tool belt and dressed the part approached him with a tale of how his wallet got lifted and he could get back home with 5 bucks for a train ticket. Efterward Cheif saw the guy around the corner doing the same thing to someone else. You gotta know Cheif, he don't take s**t from nobody. He chased the scammer down and tackled him for his money back!
You're never to old to be immature

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