02-14-2008, 08:56 PM
Gunman opens fire on Ill. campus; up to 5 dead - Crime & courts - MSNBC.com...
Isnt Dan there???(aka FROSTY)
Isnt Dan there???(aka FROSTY)
MBX5T - O.S.
MBX5R - Novarossi
Gunman opens fire on Ill. campus; up to 5 dead
02-14-2008, 08:56 PM
Gunman opens fire on Ill. campus; up to 5 dead - Crime & courts - MSNBC.com...
Isnt Dan there???(aka FROSTY) MBX5T - O.S. MBX5R - Novarossi Nomadio
02-14-2008, 09:05 PM
THANKFULLY DAN IS IN CHAMPAIGN! Omg that is horrible...and way too close to home.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
02-14-2008, 10:14 PM
Where Is Czech At?
02-14-2008, 10:40 PM
badmojo Wrote:Where Is Czech At? Hopefully not there! Thats just sad though, I have trouble wrapping my mind around the mind-set needed to go on a spree like that.
[SIZE="1"]Big Toy:'89 GTA LT1/4l60e, spohn this and that, needs a few more things.
Little Toys: Hyper One Seven | Inferno GT | Jammin X1cr | Jammin CRT Pro | 1989 Batmobile Replica [/SIZE]
02-14-2008, 10:57 PM
It is always horrible to hear about these incidents. Unfortnately, as long as the government keeps making designated "Gun Free" zones, there will always be problems such as this. The Criminal will enter these "Safe" areas, knowing that he has plenty of time to wreak his havok, before anoyone can stop him. Look at how many Handgun crimes have been commited in Chicago alone, which has an all out ban on handguns. Obviously, the problem isn't the guns, it is the Criminal mind holding the gun.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
02-14-2008, 11:17 PM
I believe Czech goes to North Eastern, but don't quote me on that.
Kona Kustom Decals
Pro Twister Mods
02-14-2008, 11:23 PM
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
02-14-2008, 11:51 PM
Guns are completly the problem! If those criminals didn't have the guns, they would be helpless! Guns should only be for the military and police. Whatever idiot decided the general public should have access to them was the dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever! NRA - You bunch of idiots! See what your stand on the publics right to own fire arms is when your kid is killed by one! I went to NIU 10 years ago. Most of my classes were in that place. It realyl struck home for me, I can see it happeneing. And especially being a parent now - what's safe anymore. There is no way to prevent this. This could happen at your job, at school, anyplace! It would be a lot more difficult with knives! Guns are a problem. Ans why do all these people then kill themselves? Why not just do that from the get go instead of making innocent people and their families suffer. I could go on...this really pisses me off. This is the beginning of the end. We are going to self destruct as humans.
E-REVO [COLOR="Gray"]Brushless[/COLOR]
Orange / Gold + 50 wt. Aluminum Pushrods [COLOR="Black"]/ Turnbuckles[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Liquid FX[/COLOR] Airbrushed Body http://www.liquidfxairbrushing.com
02-15-2008, 12:00 AM
Rodzo Wrote:Ans why do all these people then kill themselves? Why not just do that from the get go instead of making innocent people and their families suffer. I could go on...this really pisses me off. This is the beginning of the end. We are going to self destruct as humans. My thoughts exactaly. If you graduated last year or the year before.... What did that class do to you :confused: Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
02-15-2008, 12:36 AM
Rodzo Wrote:Guns are completly the problem! If those criminals didn't have the guns, they would be helpless! Guns should only be for the military and police. Whatever idiot decided the general public should have access to them was the dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever! This is the typical spin that the brainwashing Big Government is pushing on people. The "dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever!" were the founding fathers of this country, NOT the NRA, who believed it was the citizens right to be able to protect themselves from 2 different types of enemies.... 1. Foreign invaders, trying to take our liberties and freedoms. AND 2. A tyranical government, trying to take our liberties and freedoms away. If guns really are the problem, why are these incidents happening in "Gun free zones"? In the City of Chicago, it is Illegal to own a handgun, but in the City of Chicago, we have the largest number of Handgun related crimes in the country. The Criminals, who obtain their guns Illegally, know that the legal citizens have no means of protection. Adding stricter gun laws will do absolutely nothing to stop the crimes, because criminals will not stop obtaining illegal weapons, just because it is "Against the Law". After all, they are Criminals, what is one more law broken to them? You can try to throw the Virginia Tech Massacre into the mix, saying that Virginia is a Right to Carry state, and why weren't the students protected there. It all comes back to the simple fact that even though Virginia is a Right to Carry state, Schools are "Gun Free zones". A college campus was probably the ONLY place in that state that he could have gone on that severe of a rampage before being cornered to the point of suicide. Think about it for a minute, If someone is going to go on a shooting rampage, where is he most likely to go? To a Police station, where there are numerous armed officers ready to take him down at the first sign of trouble, or to an area where there is no likelyhood of ANYONE being able to stop him? I'm sorry the incident that happened today hit so close to home for you, and I hope that nobody you know was injured in the shootings. Another thing to keep in mind, is more people die on a yearly basis from Car accidents than from a gun (with the exception of war), so shoud we seek to ban cars now too?
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
02-15-2008, 07:32 AM
thenewguy821 Wrote:This is the typical spin that the brainwashing Big Government is pushing on people. The "dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever!" were the founding fathers of this country, NOT the NRA, who believed it was the citizens right to be able to protect themselves from 2 different types of enemies.... 1. Foreign invaders, trying to take our liberties and freedoms. AND 2. A tyranical government, trying to take our liberties and freedoms away. Cars are a necessity for the public, guns arent
02-15-2008, 07:53 AM
thenewguy821 Wrote:This is the typical spin that the brainwashing Big Government is pushing on people. The "dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever!" were the founding fathers of this country, NOT the NRA, who believed it was the citizens right to be able to protect themselves from 2 different types of enemies.... 1. Foreign invaders, trying to take our liberties and freedoms. AND 2. A tyranical government, trying to take our liberties and freedoms away. Couldn't agree more. Nicely said!
8ight | Mini-T | CEN Boat | Stampede | JR R-1
02-15-2008, 08:42 AM
Mike Czech goes to Northwestern.
This was sad to see....terrible news for all involved.
02-15-2008, 09:57 AM
Rodzo Wrote:Guns are completly the problem! If those criminals didn't have the guns, they would be helpless! Guns should only be for the military and police. Whatever idiot decided the general public should have access to them was the dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever! NRA - You bunch of idiots! See what your stand on the publics right to own fire arms is when your kid is killed by one! I went to NIU 10 years ago. Most of my classes were in that place. It realyl struck home for me, I can see it happeneing. And especially being a parent now - what's safe anymore. There is no way to prevent this. This could happen at your job, at school, anyplace! It would be a lot more difficult with knives! Guns are a problem. Ans why do all these people then kill themselves? Why not just do that from the get go instead of making innocent people and their families suffer. I could go on...this really pisses me off. This is the beginning of the end. We are going to self destruct as humans. I'm sorry and don't take offense but this is idiotic at best and definitely uninformed. Do you really think that banning guns will solve anything! Then the only people that will have them are the criminals. I agree there are too many guns out there but this needs to be approached from a different angle. It's called EDUCATION! Do you also think if we banned sex and sex ed that our kids would stop doing it?
02-15-2008, 10:13 AM
The state of mind, of these morons, sickens me. You can blame it on any factor you want. but if someone doesnt know right from wrong, I don't care if they live or die. You can blame guns all you want, Guns don't kill people, People kill people. a gun is a weapon. If we didnt have guns the guy would have come in with a Katana or a kitchen knife, if he was that determined to do what he did. People are the F#$@$# problem, not the guns. Learn that and stop being ignorant. Look at people who own massive amounts of firearms, they don't go around blasting people, Seriously think before you speak, if you think that firearms are the only problem we have you need to look at the world around you.
LSP lots of Khz, Werks .28 8 port.
Revo 2.5, TRX 3.3 Engine, Center Diff. Fast and Turns on a dime.
02-15-2008, 11:21 AM
slaytanic Wrote:Do you also think if we banned sex and sex ed that our kids would stop doing it? IIRC a county in Alabama or Arkansas tried restricting what could be taught in sex ed to abstenence only, The percentage of VD that county was either on par if not a greater percentage than New York City:eek:
02-15-2008, 11:25 AM
I'm going to have multiple responses here. I don't expect you al lto agree with me, but facts are facts - and my comments were not idiotic at all. Some your response scenarious were...
1. My comment was about the GENERAL PUBLIC having access to guns. Times were differnet when our founding fathers were around. The people to protect us from invaders are our military. Not your next door neighbor. And the NRA is the one now who stronglt protects those rights that your neighbor can go out and get a gun. 2. I didn't suggest making guns illegal, I suggested removing the publics access to them. Gun stores, pawn shops, etc. Yes, they will still be out there. It's going to happen. If it is not as easy to get them, and if fewer are produced, it will be more diffilcut for the insane to get their hands on them. Making something illegal does nothing. Pot has been illegal for how long??? I could probably go get some withhin the next 30 minutes! 3. Gun free keeps being referenced. That doesn't matter. Bars are smoke free, but you can still bring your cigaretts in there. You don't get caught until you use them. Eliminate and lessen the places to get those cigaretts, and not as many people are going to be able to bring them into the bars. 4. Your reference to car accidents is not relavent at all...notice the word in there "Accidents". Picking up a gun, aiming it at people, and pulling the trigger is no accident. Drunk drivers kill people, what happens to them? There license is taken away. So cars are taken away when used improperly. Sure they can still go out and drive, there are certain things you can not prevent. Bottom line, if guns were less avaialble, this guy would have not had the resources availabel to him to go do this. A lot less people would have died, or been injured if he had to go in there throwing knives. 5. Nothing I have said is ignorant. GUNS are a problem. How many of you commenting in here have children? How many of you actually worry about the world they have to grow up in? People are the problem as well. The messed up thing, is today, someone could seem to be totoally sain, and tomorrow, insane! Just because those people own tons of firearms and have done nothing bad with them, doesn't mean one day they won't snap, and have that availabilty. Again, facts are facts. I don't care if any of you don't agree with this. Don't turn around and call me ignorant, or an idiot, etc. I have not insulted any of you. Lets see how your opinion changes on this when one of your loved ones is killed by a gun. I don't mind hearing your opinions, and how you feel, or to even call me out on something wrong. Don't insult me, it makes you look like the fool. Oh, and the guy chargin in with the kitchen knife - yea, I don't think he would have killed 5 people, and injured as many as he did. Nor do I think he would have killed himself with a kitchen knife. That would have been too slow of a death. And why was he able to to buy 2 of these 4 guns he had? He was on medication which he stopped several weeks ago.
E-REVO [COLOR="Gray"]Brushless[/COLOR]
Orange / Gold + 50 wt. Aluminum Pushrods [COLOR="Black"]/ Turnbuckles[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Liquid FX[/COLOR] Airbrushed Body http://www.liquidfxairbrushing.com
02-15-2008, 03:27 PM
I have to post. I recently learned that Steve was the Steve I grew up with in Elk Grove Village, went to grade school, jr. high. and graduated high school with.
Honestly I'm shocked. He was smart, and while not a member of the in crowd nor was I. I have trouble reconciling the kid who's birthday parties I went to, is the very same here. The last time I saw him was at graduation 10 years ago. I'm just shocked, I knew the name but never realized it was him until I saw the picture.
[SIZE="1"]Big Toy:'89 GTA LT1/4l60e, spohn this and that, needs a few more things.
Little Toys: Hyper One Seven | Inferno GT | Jammin X1cr | Jammin CRT Pro | 1989 Batmobile Replica [/SIZE]
02-15-2008, 04:04 PM
My wife has friends who work at NIU, and they knew him...this is what they had to say about him...
"We are both fine, thanks. I knew this guy fairly well. He had been to my office a number of times and was around the department. I probably saw him 2-3 times a week when he was here. He was a nice guy. I think we talked about social wrk programs. He is the last person I would have thought was capable of this. As you know, the soci department is in Zulauf right behind Cole. We were locked down in the main office on the 8th floor when all this happened. We saw the cops/fire/emts etc coming and going and some of the students leaving the bldg. It was really strange and more strange when we learned who the shooter was late last night. If would have come up to the department we all would have invited him in. Very strange." Another case and point that someone who seems normal, and maybe is normal, has something happen, and causes them to snap. I am anzious to see if they find out any motive. It al lseems so Random, 27 years old, not even going to NIU anymore, and to open up on a 101 class with people who are mostly 7 years younger than him???? If guns were not so easy to get, or not available to the general public, this would not have happened.
E-REVO [COLOR="Gray"]Brushless[/COLOR]
Orange / Gold + 50 wt. Aluminum Pushrods [COLOR="Black"]/ Turnbuckles[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Liquid FX[/COLOR] Airbrushed Body http://www.liquidfxairbrushing.com
02-15-2008, 04:13 PM
thenewguy821 Wrote:This is the typical spin that the brainwashing Big Government is pushing on people. The "dumbest mother !#@$%@#$ ever!" were the founding fathers of this country, NOT the NRA, who believed it was the citizens right to be able to protect themselves from 2 different types of enemies.... 1. Foreign invaders, trying to take our liberties and freedoms. AND 2. A tyranical government, trying to take our liberties and freedoms away. well put
The worst dirtbiker is always one step ahead of even the best quad rider....
Tex Wrote:WTF, racing ranger 2?????? and racing ranger 1???? #2 needs his ass kicked for taking someone elses name.
02-15-2008, 04:31 PM
Racin' Ranger1 Wrote:well put You guys all keep saying "Well Put"...what's well put? The statment contradicts itself...maybe for those times it was fitting, not now. Those same people who allowed this guy the right to own a gun, to protect himself from the enemy, are the same people who took the right to live away from the 5 dead! Explain to me how that is right? 5 innocent people, just begining their future - DEAD. Because this guy was allowed the right to own a gun. And the statement, gun's don't kill people, people kill people, get real. To kill a person without a weapon, is a lot more diffiult. A pencil could be made a weapon, but not nearly as destructive to mass amounts as a gun, let alone a shotgun. It scares me that this many people feel the way they do. I didn't expect everyone to agree with me, but the amounts that seem to think owning guns is fine - That's scary! Get a burglar alarm for your house, not a gun!
E-REVO [COLOR="Gray"]Brushless[/COLOR]
Orange / Gold + 50 wt. Aluminum Pushrods [COLOR="Black"]/ Turnbuckles[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Liquid FX[/COLOR] Airbrushed Body http://www.liquidfxairbrushing.com
02-15-2008, 04:57 PM
...you drone on and on. For you to say, the people that allowed him to purchase a weapon are at fault? So, if you get fat as hell from eating mcdonalds, its mcdonalds fault right? no its yours. 5 people died. That sucks, 5 lives extinguished forever for no good reason that some normal person had a mental breakdown. yes, it's wrong.
People, Kill People. All we do is f#$@ing kill ourselves. DO YOU EVEN watch the news? of course, its all propaganda anyway. You can have your little brinks alarm sticker on the side of your house, someone can walk in with a shotgun and you call the police but you're dead already because you don't believe you should have some form of self defence. Thats what im saying. alot of NUTS and psychos and criminals out there with messed up minds doing things thats inhuman. however, if you know humanity we are the most cruel evil thing on the planet, also the most caring, and good things too. What im saying. , Guns are PART of the crime and murder problem. you remember prohibition, you remember how well that went for the US government? it didnt. what you did get was organized crime and alot more crime. You can ban all you want but they;re still going to be on the streets whether you like it or not. someone can acquire a gun if he knows the right people. doesnt have to be purchased legally. Thats all im saying...I know you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that. but what made me even reply again was you decided to blame someone not directly responsible. he had a clean record, got his FOID card, purchased the weapons legally etc. Its not their fault, Its just like the mcdonalds statement. If you eat and get FAT you can't sue them. like a tobacco exec said. "I don't smoke the s#$% I just sell it" not exactly correlated to fire-arms, but as you can see its wrong to blame a party that sold to, by all forms of ID and things that have to happen to get a gun, was a responsible law abiding citizen who did NOT have criminal intent, at the time, or background of violence etc.
LSP lots of Khz, Werks .28 8 port.
Revo 2.5, TRX 3.3 Engine, Center Diff. Fast and Turns on a dime.
02-15-2008, 05:23 PM
Rodzo Wrote:It scares me that this many people feel the way they do. I didn't expect everyone to agree with me, but the amounts that seem to think owning guns is fine - That's scary! Get a burglar alarm for your house, not a gun! What scares me, is the number of people who share your views. I have Children, and have been around guns since my childhood. I was shooting a gun as early as 10 yrs old. I was also taught, long before ever handling a gun, ALL the rules of handling a gun, and the seriousness and consiquences of not obeying these rules (The possibility of injury or death to myself or others). You say the police are here to protect us, we should not be responsible for protecting ourselves.... Here's a very simple truth for you to try to soak in. Where were the police who should have been protecting these victims? They had no idea what was happening till AFTER it started. Then there is still a response time to consider. Where were the police at the Lane Bryant incident? AGAIN, they had no idea, till AFTER the incident. If a woman is walking down the street at night, and a rapist comes at her, procedes to rape her, and either kill her, or leave her to die. Where are the police? AGAIN, they will not know about the crime till AFTER it happens. Just to be clear, I am in no way putting down the police. I am only stating facts. The police can't stop a crime they don't know is happening. A little bit of Irony to think about. The First amendment of the constitution only protects the rights that are outlined in the first amendment. The third amendment only protects the rights outlined in the third amendment. The fourth amendment only protects the rights outlined in the fourth amendment. The ONLY amendment that is put in place to protect ALL the rights in the entire constitution, is the Second amendment.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
02-15-2008, 05:45 PM
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."
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