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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over
and it's not even his first day yet....
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
He is going to be tested like no other. Everything is against this guy from day 1.

1. He has no record because he has never done shit since he was elected into the senate.
2. He has no foreign policy experience and the rest of the world knows this.
3. People either hate him or love, I havent really seen a middle for him so everytime he blinks people will know.
4. He is the first black president.
5. The expectation level from all his "promises" is so high that if he doesnt deliver, people will go against him very easily.

Ect ect, it goes on an on. Its amazing how a guy that has done nothing for anybody was just elected. I do think he is a very intelligent person, very book smart. Theres no denying that, but thats were it ends. As far as helping his own city while in senate, he hasnt. He just votes present and collects his checks. I hope he can prove all the negative people wrong but I dont see it happening. He is already trying to appoint some of the most left people into his cabinet and thats the worst thing he can do. Just ensures another 4 more years of downward spiral.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
Yeah, but every time somebody criticizes him it will be just because they are racists.


I hope....HOPE....that this is taken as a positive, and inspires all people who felt hopeless under the current leadership of the country.

Attitude means so much, and at least Obama projects a positive and intelligent character. If he assembles a competent staff, and bans Jessie Jackson from his Favorite Five call list, things should go smoothly.
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
Well there not off to a good start IMO. The dems are now working on abolishing 401k tax breaks. House Democrats Contemplate Abolishing 401(k) Tax Breaks |

Guess who he wants to be the Cheif of staff? Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff. If you dont know him, he is most known for....
At this point of his political career he was known for his intensity. Notably, he reportedly told British Prime Minister Tony Blair, "This is important. Don't fuck it up," prior to Blair appearing in public with Clinton for the first time after the Lewinsky scandal emerged.[10] Emanuel is said to have "mailed a rotting fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways."[9] On the night after the Clinton election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name."[1] His "take-no-prisoners attitude" earned him the nickname "Rahm-bo".[9]

At least it wont be the same as the past 8 years, its about to get a lot worse.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
Well, if he appoints Lil Wayne and Usher as cabinet members, then I'll ask WTF?

I hope he has the stones to tell him supporters, "I got mine, now get off your butts and go earn yours."
got paint?
Colors by Dave - CBD
1-29-07 ... you know.
here's where I have a problem with Obama... earlier in his campaign he mentioned picking a "white" vice president, now they are talking minorities being given the offices based on skin color, what the hell happened to the best person for the job? we're now picking by race to fill offices? shoot, I'm gonna become something other than a cracker so I can get my butt into the white (that's gotta change) house.... This would be like me telling someone "nah, you are too caucasion, I can't hire you"....

US Supreme Court to test Obama's talents - Yahoo! News

this just grates on my nerves...sorry... it shouldn't be about skin color, I didn't vote for McCain because Obama was black, I voted for him because I FELT he was the best for the job...

EDITED TO ADD: I realize that this may not be Obama himself saying this, but if it's being said, then it's happening... I think this whole "race" thing has got blown way out of proportion! Congrats, to making it and all, but let's forget that he is black, my president has never really had a skin color anyhow, why start now?

and for the record, I think Palin was chosen because she was a woman, I believe that was wrong and they got the screwin' they deserved for picking her, even though she can cause and erection in the average male, that don't cut it with me... I think she's a pretty stupid choice and as far as that goes, she didn't think much on her own, just some bullshit "maverick" comments and such, she was a pretty stupid choice, I think my dog could've done about as good. I watched the debates, I personally thought that she was much better at causing wood, than she would ever be at being VP.

and this is what we need with the economy the way it is, a bunch more of 6 digit, do nothing damned government employees with a new office to drive us further in debt... how about when the car needs gas, instead of buying a new one, fill the SOB up and make the thing work.... we should make our government work, not add more...
Obama considers new Energy Security Council - Yahoo! News
"if guns cause crime, all of mine are defective" - Ted Nugent
This is dirt on Palin and Obama just to make it fair.

Palin Clothes Spending Has Dems Salivating, Republicans Disgusted

Insiders spill beans on Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, running mate of John McCain

There is also another story where Palin tossed a fit on election night because she wanted to make a concession speech before McCain and his aids said no.


Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry |


Under Obama, Dark Days Seen Ahead For Fossil Fuels

Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama is said to be on board with this new law many are talking about putting into effect.

And finally. What 'spread the wealth' sound like when you take the cover off the whole thing to show what its really about.

There is more to this clip. Moran continues with his rant about how those who make good money should share it to those who dont. Once I find the whole clip,I will post it. I have heard it on Mancow earlier this week but I have yet to find it.
Palin didnt buy those cloths and there not even hers. She uses em for just the public speaking events and thats it. They either then get returned or donated.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
that's what is going on with Michelle O'bama's clothes also... (maybe I can get both of them to take their clothes off for me? Big Grin)

so, this just endorses my comment about Palin being around for the "erection factor", lol...

"John McCain's aides have revealed their vice-presidential candidate did not know Africa was a continent and in fact thought it was a country."

that's from dude's second link... when I quit laughing, I may read the rest of the article.....

have fun with your superhero Barrack guys... you voted him in, you can live with his driving the country to hell for the next four years... but a great thing to think about while he's doing that.... YOU MADE HISTORY (I'm betting in more ways than one)
"if guns cause crime, all of mine are defective" - Ted Nugent
Yes she did buy those clothes. Not just for her but for the whole family. It has been said she is going to donate them once all of this is over. But that remains to be seen.

But still...$150,000+ in clothes when she was given a budget of $20,000. Come the hell on!! And she was going to be second in charge of our country!!
It was $150,000 a month... but that was for clothes hair and makeup

how much did hillary spend?

And why the fuck does it matter
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Man I really tried to keep from laying out my opinions here, but I guess the obvious point needs to be brought to the surface.

1. Since the begging of the United States its always been one party vs. another.
French vs. British
British Rule vs. New order
North vs. South
Black vs. White
Democratic Society vs. Communism
Men vs. Women
Rich vs. Poor
Democrates vs. Rupublicans

The fact is, This place we call America has been and still is the land of oppertunity even if you dont think so. Sad but true that many places in this world are still third world countries that have far less than we do as a country even in the financial and difficult times we are facing at the moment. Funny thing is that racism only exsists when someone mentions it. And it doesnt have to be that way at all, Lets face it in all races, creeds, colors, and religions there is bad and good in each. But as they say, you need evil in the world in order for there to be order. because without chaos there would be no humility.

Lately over the past few days I have been seeing the same ole same ole attitudes of not knowing the whole truth behind staements because someone is to affraid or too proud to go beyond thier lines of how each lives thier lifes and not really finding out or looking into the truth. I hate to say this but in all honesty it is called plain old ignorance.

When I seen the political bashing going on on this forum as well as other forums, Somehow even in slight dislike we are all remained civil towards eachother, even friends to some until the political card came into play and now we end up choosing sides once again. Thank god we are not in the civil war era or it would be WAR! Grant and Lee would rise again.

What allot of people dont realize maybe because it wasnt as important as it was the last go around is EVERY election is pointing fingers and spreading the lie. Today we live in a technological era where its really easy to make comment travel across the globe in a matter of minutes. All it takes is a suggestion and group of believers and its HOOK, LINE, & SINKER! Which this time I have seen a ton of it from both parties. Give me a picture and given enough time to dig up some dirt and I can convince your best friends, family, and the internet that your doing something that less than deserves respect.

The point is, being Naive to reality, truth, or plain common sence is your own mistake and if you dont make the effort to undertstand it or investigate it, then your just looking stupid.

Before the election I had a great deal of respect for Sen. McCain. But Then they kept blowing off the Maverick card and the Vet card, and the HERO card. How many of you realize that before Sen. McCain and well after this man that Millions of kids, men and women have effortlessly supported this country by joining the military! Some have been just serving here in the states and some have served overseas. Some have experianced friendships within other cultures, and others have experianced hell like no other. No one ever says thank you for serving us to a military person who never went to war! To me everyone who makes an effort to be American is a HERO! The single mother working three jobs to feed her children even though she made a mistake by getting pregnant by three different guys before she realized she messed up. Or the Vietnam Veteran on the corner of the street trying to panhandle for money to eat or drink the pain away because he is so meesed up in the head and far from out of reach of reality, All because deep inside he believes charlie is coming to get him or he did things that are dispicable that even he himself doesnt want to face. or even the migrant field worker who escaped mexico and is here illegally because he too wants a better life and will do every job that no one else will do. Because simply put, we forgot what it was like to fight to survive under trying times. These are American values that has exsisted since the begining of this country. And that is what keeps us United as one. I remember when 9/11 happened, The United States stopped and we all were all angry, scared, helpless, understanding, needing, we were United as a Country! I seen a country come together for the first time in my life and people were proud to be Americans. One year later I seen less flags hanging, less ribbons on magnets, less patriotism. Now adays Im lucky to see one teathered and half worn weathered beaten sign of patriotism on a wall, car or person.

And now another election has passed in the largest scale of downfall this country has ever seen. And all we can do is point fingers and play the blame game. Sen. McCain finally came out of his shell after the elections and once again became his true self, stepping out from the curtain of his campaign managers design. He said it best when even after the Boos and the hate were being passed around like candy. "We need to join together as a country and find away to fix this."

We all are to blame for what has happend even if we didnt even know we were behind it. It was one thing here and another there. sooner or later there was so much of a mess. no one knew where to begin and where to end. So before you go throwing around the hater speech. be wise enough to ask, Am I makeing a differance by pointing fingers and making false claims. or can I make a differance by helping in whatever way I can as an American. because if you feel it easier to just point and blame, Your not an American. Your and Americant!
just my opinion.
[COLOR="Red"]It's not just paint! It's an Attitude![/COLOR]
^^^^^^ DAMN!!!

I knew I missed this board for a reason.

"have fun with your superhero Barrack guys... you voted him in, you can live with his driving the country to hell for the next four years... but a great thing to think about while he's doing that.... YOU MADE HISTORY (I'm betting in more ways than one)"

I would have voted for anyone after the last 8 years of bush tyranny!!! Iraq, Afganistan, Katrina, Wire taps, Haloburton(SP?), should I keep going?

And all the presidential race is, is choosing the lesser of 2 evils.
team3six Wrote:Man I really tried to keep from laying out my opinions here, but I guess the obvious point needs to be brought to the surface.

1. Since the begging of the United States its always been one party vs. another.
French vs. British
British Rule vs. New order
North vs. South
Black vs. White
Democratic Society vs. Communism
Men vs. Women
Rich vs. Poor
Democrates vs. Rupublicans

The fact is, This place we call America has been and still is the land of oppertunity even if you dont think so. Sad but true that many places in this world are still third world countries that have far less than we do as a country even in the financial and difficult times we are facing at the moment. Funny thing is that racism only exsists when someone mentions it. And it doesnt have to be that way at all, Lets face it in all races, creeds, colors, and religions there is bad and good in each. But as they say, you need evil in the world in order for there to be order. because without chaos there would be no humility.

Lately over the past few days I have been seeing the same ole same ole attitudes of not knowing the whole truth behind staements because someone is to affraid or too proud to go beyond thier lines of how each lives thier lifes and not really finding out or looking into the truth. I hate to say this but in all honesty it is called plain old ignorance.

When I seen the political bashing going on on this forum as well as other forums, Somehow even in slight dislike we are all remained civil towards eachother, even friends to some until the political card came into play and now we end up choosing sides once again. Thank god we are not in the civil war era or it would be WAR! Grant and Lee would rise again.

What allot of people dont realize maybe because it wasnt as important as it was the last go around is EVERY election is pointing fingers and spreading the lie. Today we live in a technological era where its really easy to make comment travel across the globe in a matter of minutes. All it takes is a suggestion and group of believers and its HOOK, LINE, & SINKER! Which this time I have seen a ton of it from both parties. Give me a picture and given enough time to dig up some dirt and I can convince your best friends, family, and the internet that your doing something that less than deserves respect.

The point is, being Naive to reality, truth, or plain common sence is your own mistake and if you dont make the effort to undertstand it or investigate it, then your just looking stupid.

Before the election I had a great deal of respect for Sen. McCain. But Then they kept blowing off the Maverick card and the Vet card, and the HERO card. How many of you realize that before Sen. McCain and well after this man that Millions of kids, men and women have effortlessly supported this country by joining the military! Some have been just serving here in the states and some have served overseas. Some have experianced friendships within other cultures, and others have experianced hell like no other. No one ever says thank you for serving us to a military person who never went to war! To me everyone who makes an effort to be American is a HERO! The single mother working three jobs to feed her children even though she made a mistake by getting pregnant by three different guys before she realized she messed up. Or the Vietnam Veteran on the corner of the street trying to panhandle for money to eat or drink the pain away because he is so meesed up in the head and far from out of reach of reality, All because deep inside he believes charlie is coming to get him or he did things that are dispicable that even he himself doesnt want to face. or even the migrant field worker who escaped mexico and is here illegally because he too wants a better life and will do every job that no one else will do. Because simply put, we forgot what it was like to fight to survive under trying times. These are American values that has exsisted since the begining of this country. And that is what keeps us United as one. I remember when 9/11 happened, The United States stopped and we all were all angry, scared, helpless, understanding, needing, we were United as a Country! I seen a country come together for the first time in my life and people were proud to be Americans. One year later I seen less flags hanging, less ribbons on magnets, less patriotism. Now adays Im lucky to see one teathered and half worn weathered beaten sign of patriotism on a wall, car or person.

And now another election has passed in the largest scale of downfall this country has ever seen. And all we can do is point fingers and play the blame game. Sen. McCain finally came out of his shell after the elections and once again became his true self, stepping out from the curtain of his campaign managers design. He said it best when even after the Boos and the hate were being passed around like candy. "We need to join together as a country and find away to fix this."

We all are to blame for what has happend even if we didnt even know we were behind it. It was one thing here and another there. sooner or later there was so much of a mess. no one knew where to begin and where to end. So before you go throwing around the hater speech. be wise enough to ask, Am I makeing a differance by pointing fingers and making false claims. or can I make a differance by helping in whatever way I can as an American. because if you feel it easier to just point and blame, Your not an American. Your and Americant!
just my opinion.

well put man. I got a bit outta hand but thats the way I am. Thats why I havn't posted anything else.

Oh and I still replace my support the troops ribbon magnet every 2-3 months on my truck.
The american flag flies everyday and flown correctly at that. I will never go a day without my flag flying.
rc crawling headquarters and great customer support!
Quote:The point is, being Naive to reality, truth, or plain common sence is your own mistake and if you dont make the effort to undertstand it or investigate it, then your just looking stupid.

But as you stated out. Seeing EVERYONE can say whatever and its posted on the net. There are so many blogs,websites,video and audio of people putting their spin on whatever it is. Finding the truth is next to impossible unless you were there and saw it go down.

The middle east was a hornets nest before we got there. A few of those hornets found their way into our home and stung us damn good. Now if you got stung and you knew where it came from. What would you do? Try to talk to them to get them to stop??? What we are doing is the right thing. Just sad that these days we cant do it in the way our grandfathers would of done it when they were on the front line. Kick ass then take names and to hell with what others said.

WWII had the same people speaking out against the war as we do now. It in time wore on the nerves of people here at home but we toughed it out and won the war. The same is happening here. Only difference is unlike those days. The people these days have many ways to get their voice heard nice and loud. Back then,they didnt have much of any way to speak up. And if they did,others as well as the police were not scared to make them shut up unlike now where if a cop looks at a protester the wrong way. The department is facing a law suit.

McCain being a war hero and all that to me doesnt mean he would of made a great president. I am not saying Obama will either. But listen to the talk radio guys and they are all saying the same thing. McCain backed off. Changed his game plan and that along with the economy tanking is what killed him. Adding Palin to the ticket didnt help either. If he had stuck to his guns and the war was still front and center. The outcome of this election could be very different but he backed down.
GO Obama...... Confusedalute: TrueRC.comConfusedalute: (Fusion Fluids) Confusedalute: Nitrotoyz.comConfusedalute:Thercshack.comConfusedalute:Fastlane-graphix.comConfusedalute:
Casketman, Ill play along and in your points I will say that somewhat you are right. and also wrong

First off, The best thing about politics now adays including when it comes to elections is

Every news paper, news station, or media giant even if they are Republican or Democrate will use to check against statements used to help the basic common people see what is real and what is not real. Most of the time they put the statements into perspective and clean up the hype about a comment or point so you can make the best judgement about what a politician said.

In that, I would say there is your way of finding truth in some area's that may be important to you as a voter.

yes, its true that sometimes you would have to be the person being there to really see the reality in things. But we are just talking about polotics so I think that is where I stand with that.

By the way, please dont take this as an arguement, Again this is my opinion and I do greatly enjoy the challenge of conversation. You making the effort to join in says you have curiosity and are not just a judgemental (As mancow says) Sheepeole.

OK, Now on the situation on IRAQ, Man I couldnt agree with you more about it being a hornets nest. The truth is and I want you to please see my pont of view on this. LONG LONG LON G before the United States was a country, The Middle east has been in a holy war that has and may never end. now when I say holy, I mean not like here in the USA where we have a hundred different types of faiths trying to bring you into thier church and making claims that they will save you. I mean holy land that each one claims they own the rights to and that they are the holy people that should occupy that land.
These people have been fighting so long that this is all they know. Not only is it that is all they know, But they really dont even remember what it is they are fighting for and why. democracy wont cure them, Understanding them wont free them. its just thier way. Now on the subject of why allot, not ALL, But allot of the culture dislikes America and our way of life. Well it isnt just America. it is any culture that follows a free life. The ability to think and act for ourselves without consequence as a whole, But consequence as a single person. Now add that holy fight that has been clouded over thousands of years and add pissed off because you as a middle eastern man are not able to do basically whatever you want. And then top it off with your government controlling your every thought and action. I know that doesnt sound like a good reason to be such a savage country with no morals. But again they are not US!

OK, Now this may be sounding as if I am protecting them. Im not, I am just trying to have you understand that this is thier way of thinking.

Another point I should make is just in case you didnt know it. I am A Marine! I am proud of my country as much as I am proud of every man and women who serves here and abroad. But dont think for one minute that every person serving there is wanting to be there. I have many many friends right now who has served 4 tours of duty and have been extended past thier contracts 2 or more years in order to keep the numbers strong. Allot of those friends have lost marriages because of this, havent seen thier children grow up, walk, talk, learn to ride a bike. Some of those friends have returned and dont even realize who they are. I have a friend here where I live who wants nothing more than to kill himself, And he cant do it no matter how hard he tries because he is scared. I have five frinds whom have died in bombings, I have three frinds who are defineatly not the people I once knew and trained with. And I have one friend who has disappeared and concidered AWAC (Its the same as AWOL). There is no draft, there is no line of new kids signing up to join, there is no sign of relief, Equiptment has been depleated, And there are allot of lonely, scared, sad people over there who dont want to play any more. I know that it sounds like B.S. But its true and that I know for a fact. Me personally, What I wouldnt do to be able to go back and serve again. but the other part of me knows if that ever happened, I would completely loose who I am now.

Now, this has been said a thousand times and this is true among Republicans such as Sen. Richard Burr, Sen. Chuck Hagel and Sen. Richard Lugar to name a few, That This war in Iraq should never had happened. We are avoiding the real fight by going after an easy target and trying to impose democracy to a nation that doesnt understand or believe in our ways.

Now true, Suddam was a freaking nut cake who needed to be removed from power. But the trth is, He or his country had nothing to do with what happened here. and futhermore, Little Bush was just finishing up what daddy started and never finished.

So lets be realistic in this, We both know that the real threat is in a cave. And dont think for one second we dont know where he is either. Your government is much more advanced then what you have even thought you have seen. That cell phone that has GPS, Video, Internet has been around 10 years before you ever thought wouldnt it be cool if's.

And finally, if you think that sticking to his guns and making the war center stage would of won him the election. tell that to all my buddies who just want to come home and try and be normal again. tell that to all the mothers, fathers, sisters, wives, husbands, and kids that just want this to stop.

I mean, I may of been proud to serve, but war is hell!

"I'ts easy to pull a trigger, Its another thing to kill a man and live with it as if it was natural." Wesley Clark
[COLOR="Red"]It's not just paint! It's an Attitude![/COLOR]
squirrel now bush caused katrina?! lmfao
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Well back in world war 2..... Everyone wanted the troops to come home too. War is hell. I dont dispute that either. Its not easy nor is it fun.

But after 9/11. At least 98% of everyone in this country was calling for blood just like back in 1941. And just like back then and now. People are calling this war the 'war that will never end'. So everything that is going on now has happened before but the only difference is. Our economy didnt tank DURING the war.

With Obama in office. And just shy of another world war starting up with Russia. I believe its safe to say that at least most of the troops will be coming home before is first term in office is over with.

Now with what Squirrel said. Wire taps have been a thing for as long as there have been phones. Maybe not as wide spread,but that doesnt mean people werent butting in to hear what you had to say. Its going to happen no matter who is in office.

Katrina?? I dont see how that was Bush's fault. FEMA dropped the ball and well you saw what happened to the guy who was in charge there right? He got the axe. Also,the army corp. of engineers admitted that there were issues and problems there. At the time everything was built. A storm like Katrina wasnt even a thought. Never expected. Well they were wrong and they did take the blame for what happened.
There were many things that went wrong as well as worked against the people and those who were trying to help. It was the perfect storm in many ways for many people. But something that people can point the finger and blame all on Bush? I dont think so.

Being president isnt easy. It doesnt matter who got elected. They are going to have a hell of a time. They have to hope that everyone else under them have the same plan and goals and agree with the way he wants it go get done. The same goes for anyone thats in DC.

Obama talked about doing many things. Now we have to hope that everyone else there in DC falls into line and can get those things done and not bitch and fight with each other like they have for many many years.

Its easy for us to point fingers at who is top dog and say he sucks or he is to blame. We are on the outside looking in listening to a media group that has their own ideas and thoughts and report things as they see fit. Dont believe me? How about the fact that MSNBC had a COUNTDOWN clock till when Bush is out. I am sure many loved it. But to me,it shows what side they were on the whole time so why should anyone believe what they have to say about what goes on in DC. Everyone puts spin on whatever the topic or story is. They spin it their way to make someone seem great or seem evil and the masses take that bait everyday. Sheeple is the term for it.
the media has entirely too mcuh power!

remember after 9/11 all the crap on the TV how we needed to go to war? I remember it well, this is coming from the same media that is now screaming that too many are dying and we need to come home. Last I knew war was about death, and after you decide it is needed people are going to die and you are just going to have to stick it through.

the media "predicted" Obama's win well in advance.... was it a prediction or something else? hmmm....

I truly hope that Barrack (or whoever would've won) can get us out of the war, the right way... saving face, not bringing our kids back as a disgrace and not going back for a third round, I've been there, there's new kids there now, and if we don't do it right, you guy's kids will be over there next, and I also hope the administration can handle the other problems that are going on (Afghanistan, Russia, Iran, and so on)... President may be a great title but it's going to take work, we've got a mess and looks like Obama inherited it. I will say good luck to him and for the most part, by virtue of his title he has my support.
"if guns cause crime, all of mine are defective" - Ted Nugent
The worst part of all this is that, Obama is a sux fan. That right there lost my vote Wink.
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
I just kept reading to se Mich's avatar. Tongue

carry on your arguments....
lol mich and D Lee (yes 6-4-3 D Lee) agreed with that pos Obama that white sox have better fans than the Cubs, I think it was time to give him the pink slip right then and there
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:squirrel now bush caused katrina?! lmfao

Sorry I forgot i had to spell it out for the sped class students here.

Quote:Katrina?? I dont see how that was Bush's fault. FEMA dropped the ball and well you saw what happened to the guy who was in charge there right? He got the axe. Also,the army corp. of engineers admitted that there were issues and problems there. At the time everything was built. A storm like Katrina wasnt even a thought. Never expected. Well they were wrong and they did take the blame for what happened.
There were many things that went wrong as well as worked against the people and those who were trying to help. It was the perfect storm in many ways for many people. But something that people can point the finger and blame all on Bush? I dont think so.

I'm not saying it was his fault, he appointed the guy(who dropped the ball) that was in charge of FEMA. Guess what qualifications numb nuts bush thought were good enough for that job, he ran horse shows. Seem right to you? To me it seems like he just appointed his friends. And before I hear it one more time, I know the dems do it to.

This thread is gonna be a lot like a religion/cubsVS.whitesox/ChevyVS.Ford/TraxxasVS.Hpi thread just the same arguement over and over again so I will remove myself from it, and not add to it.

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