02-22-2006, 06:51 PM
Michowski Wrote:All you can do is your best. If the driver doesnt like how he got marshalled then he shouldnt have crashed. If your in a spot were just the pipe seperates the 2 parts of the track and your not sure what lane he was in just hold up the truck and im sure the driver will be yelling at you to which lane he was in.
Some crashes can't be avoided, especially when being hacked. I agree, a person shouldn't rely on a marshall to keep their lap times down, only crash-free driving can do that, but what I was pointing out, is the worst mistakes made when marshalling are done by the guys who don't marshall during practice.
I've also found myself guilty of "remembering" the cars of the guys who don't marshall, and letting them wait it out while I marshall someone elses car...