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xbox 360
Ok im leaveing here in about 20 mins or so to wait 9 hours in line to get xbox 360. I see them going on ebay for 1,000 if i get my hands on any would anyone be willing to trade a lsp or truggy for one?
Mugen MBX5T Prospec
RB C6bb/O.S. Speed
Hitec 5955
Futaba s9351
Jr Z-1

Soo easy a cave man can drive it Mooooooooooogen
Dude the gamestop at my mall had a bunch of them with no lines...But then again mabye it was just the box IDK lol...
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
hmm.... that must have been why there were people camping out at best buy in schaumburg this morning.
-- John --
1:1.. 01 Z28 Camaro A4 Sure.. its stock.
1:8's.. K3, Inferno GT, and a straight line beater car
1:18.. RC18t Mamba and 3s lipo
Ya it was probably just boxes becuase these are inpossible to get your hands on in a store. Last time they where in stock they sold out in 30 seconds.
Mugen MBX5T Prospec
RB C6bb/O.S. Speed
Hitec 5955
Futaba s9351
Jr Z-1

Soo easy a cave man can drive it Mooooooooooogen
Im going to freeze my ass off, going to need alot of booze.
Mugen MBX5T Prospec
RB C6bb/O.S. Speed
Hitec 5955
Futaba s9351
Jr Z-1

Soo easy a cave man can drive it Mooooooooooogen
Been there, done that.
t to the maxx2 Wrote:[Image: firstthing0010ts.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0028dn.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0034wq.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0071fw.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0084uz.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0105hq.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0139kg.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0156pa.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0164qb.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0181pq.jpg]
[Image: firstthing0176al.jpg]

The last few pictures are the aftermath of waiting for 12 hours. And the pic with all of us. Thats the surviors, the ones who lasted the whole 12, and got the "Golden Ticket" as we called it. I sold my ticket, for 450. I should have held out for more, but whatever. The ticket gives you the right to buy the xbox, for full price.
have fun dude. Il stick with my pc games were i dont need to camp outside when its gonna like like 5 degree's out for a high
[Image: mich1iy1.jpg]
This is first come first serv here, no golden tickets. So i figure there are going to be some fights or what not. I think i will bring my shank
Mugen MBX5T Prospec
RB C6bb/O.S. Speed
Hitec 5955
Futaba s9351
Jr Z-1

Soo easy a cave man can drive it Mooooooooooogen
Godd luck trying to get an zbox! It's a hard one t o find!! It's the best!
Oooooo... a ZBOX... I think it's time for Mr. Tune to go nighty night before he thinks he's in a video game.
Mr. Tune Wrote:Godd luck trying to get an zbox! It's a hard one t o find!! It's the best!

i can see bamboo room was a good time!!!!! you drunk bastard!! :bustingup
Mr. Tune Wrote:Deruinked psosting is fun guys! Please don't follow me exwsample, I'm a bda influende.
Tune is setting a great example with his posts! LOL
"It tastes like burning"
Did ya get one?
i thought these were out last month... why are you wainting in line?
No I didnt get one, I was number 34 in line the store was suppose to have 38 of them but only had 28. The reason they only had 28 of them was another best buy didnt get there shipment of xbox's in so all the other best buys had to give of some of theres to the store that didnt have any. I was pissed!!
Mugen MBX5T Prospec
RB C6bb/O.S. Speed
Hitec 5955
Futaba s9351
Jr Z-1

Soo easy a cave man can drive it Mooooooooooogen

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