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Revo for sale
Hey guys, I"m selling my Traxxas Revo. I am selling it because I 'm done with RC, it was taken great care of, always clean, and well driven. I got it on Christmas day and broke it in 2-3 weeks later..So it has barely any run time on it.. I have well over $500 in this truck ontop of the original $450 initial cost

It has 7 tanks on it besides the 7 for break-in, it was broken in the new-school method with Trinity Monster Horsepower 20%. It has brand new Boca bearings with one tank on them(Will need to run a few more easy tanks on them)

already have these hopups on the truck....And that I will include
Hitec 5645 steering servo ( still have the stock servos)
FOC(Still have all gears and Optidrive)
P2 Rockers
50 wt shock oil all around
Motor Saver Air filter
Mugen MBX-4 Wing Mount
Mugen Wing(Dyed black)
HPI radio system(Includes TQ3 receiver by itself)
Fuel bottle, Dynamite charger for 7.2v batt
BRAND NEW Boca Bearings(Ran 1 easy tank, need a few more tanks on them before you can rip)
Black dyed rockers and springs
Steve Slayden's steering mods
Cut down left and right side electronic boxes(Still has the TRS mounted)
Deano-ed and polished chassis and pipe

It will include glow igniter, rotostart drills, plugs, extra pushrods, extra screws, extra servos(2055 stockers), LT rockers, stock P1 rockers, plugs, loctite, after run oil, new Dynamite drivers, and many more things!

I am looking for $530 shipped OBO...Really its about $500 for the truck, and the rest for the monster shipping charge due to the weight.. Money order or Cashiers Check ONLY..I do not have Paypal

I am NOT looking for trades.I am not going to put up with lowball offers

Here are the latest pics!!!

[Image: RevoPics094.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics095.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics096.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics097.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics098.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics099.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics100.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics101.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics102.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics103.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics104.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics105.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics106.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics107.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics108.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics111.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics113.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics117.jpg]
[Image: RevoPics119.jpg]

Sorry for the blurriness on some of them!
pm sent
Nice tires!
Dont mess wit my sig Line tune!
--Then follow the rules! haha!-- -Tune
Haha thanks!

Price reduced to $460 shipped OBO!
Not to be too critical, but the pictures really aren't helping you to sell it. Take some better ones of the truck itself, and post them.
Yeah, I was busy last night, so I couldn't get pics...I got some new ones now, but my mom took the camera...WIll have them up tonight
Updated all the pics!!!
pm again
I'm parting her out!

Wheels, tires and igniter are already dibbed on

LMK what you want, and a decent offer
I want the F/R bumpers, and if the diff oil is 10k I want it too. Can you do $10 shipped? If not name a price.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
i dibed wheels before. will take exhast parts like the rubber stuff
Right now Skintired has dibs on the truck minus wheels, tires, and radio

The diff oil is 30k front and rear, if you still want them, I can do $10 shipped..Is that including front and rear bumpers? If so, can you do $15?

And right now, RadRevo from MVBashers has dibs on the wheels and tires, if it falls thru, Redzebra has next dibs
Ehh nevermind sorry. I was looking for 10k and the bumpers were kind of a hey if I'm buying something why not get more.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
do you have a spare rotostart assembly that youd sell? lmk.
The backplate you mean? Or the drill and stuff? Either way, I got roto stuff..

Oh-And I'm going to part it out now, decided I could get more like that
i want the rubber tip that pulls fuel away from ngine and the rubber thing that connects header and muffler
The coupler and exhaust deflector?...Not really worth it for me to ship...They cost $2 new for both..But, if you want the pipe too, I can do that
The wheels and tires are open to anyone

how much for wheels and tires, coupler, and deflector?
yea do you have the whole roto start assembly. backplate, handheld and anything else id need to convert a bumpstart to a roto. i have a crank that will work. and i have the glow ignitor.
Why nickel & dime it to death? You could Ebay it...its a nice truck, RTR it should sell for close to what your asking if not more.
I don't have an ebay account, and my parents can't get one because this guy left them a bad buyer feedback cause he didn't ship their part for 2 months..And my parents were kinda pissed about it...So they can't get one
Oh, and I'll do $75 shpped on the wheels, tires, and coupler/deflector..

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