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Possible Scammer, Help Wanted
I did a deal back around Christmas with a guy that goes by the name Brad Woodward, login on one18th was ktm_racer117 but has since deleted that account, I have tried to check many other forums to find out if he is on any of them. I traded him a Sportwerks Chaos for a Mini Quake and a Stampede Roller. He got the chaos on time and complained of a few small problems and said it costed him 40 bucks to fix it, with which he replied that we wasn't going to send the extra LRP esc to make the deal fair, I agreed to that and was ok with that. Then i tried contacting him later and he said he had shipped them, that was January 7th, i tried contacting him multiple times after that, I have talked to someone in his family who claims to leave a note for him but never seems to give him the note, or consistently says oh the note is right here I'll make sure i give it to him. I haven't heard anything from him, sent him MANY emails, no contact back. I had done a deal with him about 6 months before this one, and all went really smooth, so i had no question to this next trade. I was wrong.

Does anyone know of a Brad Woodward who lives in Jamestown, NY?

Thanks for any help that you can put forth.

(i posted this all over tons of forums, so if the wording isn't great its because it can apply to people on other forums also)
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
Wow that sucks.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
I am very sorry man, I KNOW i have seen somones location at Jamestown, NY. Just have to try and remember where. Ask Tex if maybe he could give you that guys ISP and you could go from there. Check other members who register at the same ISP
yea, especially when you banked on being able to sell that stuff to help fund a car...(real car) This guy is pissing me off.
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
rawk, he lives at

160 Martin Road
Jamestown, NY 14701

If that helps at all.
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
I am done with online trading/selling unless we can meet in person, or if I am the seller, I know I'm not going to scam anyone, and I'm not shipping until I get the money. There are a lot of no good people out there just looking to screw someone over, just want everything handed to them, their day will come though, I just hope sooner than later.
8ight | Mini-T | CEN Boat | Stampede | JR R-1

yea, i was fine with it, but now i am starting to get pissed since ive delt with him before so it sucks even more. because i thought it was gonna be all good.
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
i only buy from peope on here that i know or meet or make sure i can pay with paypal if it out of state. I dont do mail trades AT ALL.
If at first you dont succeed, suck another seed!:crazy:

I talk to Jesus, he cuts my grass!
yea, i'm just looking for some help right now. not a lecture about why i shouldnt trade, because i think im basically done except with you guys.
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
Do you know how old he is?

If he is a kid (under 18) I would send a letter in the mail to Mr. and Mrs. Woodward and explain the situation. If he is a little punk trying to scam people, his parents might not even know about it.

If he is an adult, don't lose your cool, about anything. Just keep calm, don't swear, don't threaten, don't flip out, if you stay calm then if you get the authorities involved you will look like the more mature one. Save any and all E-Mails or IM conversations you have with him, including whether or not he answers them, this way you can prove that you tried to contact him, if you send him a letter in the mail or to his parents be profesional about it, no IM talk. Let them know you are serious and use proper punctuation when talking to him, if he still will not cooperate then I suggest either calling your local police or his local PD.
8ight | Mini-T | CEN Boat | Stampede | JR R-1

yea, as far as i know he is an adult, but i might be wrong. I have all info logged, (trillian for AIM, and then yahoo saves my emails.) I'm working on it, i'll continue to pester him with calls until i can see if i can get any info from other forums.

E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
more info, aim is sittinsideways62 i got that via a google search then from myspace. i know its him because his yahoo photo is the same as one of his photo's on myspace.
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.
hope u get ur stuff back man
Here is a link to my website-
1/29/07 never forget....TTT Confusedalute:
Bringing old know-it-all blow hards back to reallity at a forum near you

"Always Imitated, Never Duplicated"
yea, i'm hoping i either get my stuff back or get the stuff he was supposed to send me.
E-clips can travel at hundred of miles an hour and increase speed as they bouce off objects...if only mankind could harness this incredible power source.

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