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New car
I need a little help from you guys. Iam going to buy a Mugen MBX5R . But what i need help with is what iam going to put into it. I want to put in the best. I would like to do this right the frist time. thanks a lot for your time.
im assuming your tlkaing about engines and elctronics...

i would say for engines a v-spec, novarossi, or an RB

servos i would get futaba 9351 for steering and a futaba 9350

or ACE 1313 and ace 1015, both brands are great, futaba is just a little more expensive
Losi 8ight with v-spec[SIZE="4"]
rb c6bb, rb 2045 and 98mm header,hitec 5955, futaba 9351,controller of your choice( i like jr z-1 or futaba 3pks).

you can make alot of stuff work but the jr servos 9000t are hard to beat. plenty of power and a three year warn. dont get the s,speed, it will only cause you to countersteer so much that it will be harder to drive. the os vspec motor will run with the best, its only $285, and everyone will agree os makes the best carbs = easy to tune, great fuel milage. now you said that you were looking for qual. and when you go to a big race and look around this is whats most common = because it worksSmile
i gotta agree on the v-spec and JR servos.

the v-spec is the best bang for the buck imo.
LOSI 8IGHT B.....o.s v-spec .21
DM-1....Mario Rossi Tuned .21
allan42r Wrote:you can make alot of stuff work but the jr servos 9000t are hard to beat. plenty of power and a three year warn. dont get the s,speed, it will only cause you to countersteer so much that it will be harder to drive. the os vspec motor will run with the best, its only $285, and everyone will agree os makes the best carbs = easy to tune, great fuel milage. now you said that you were looking for qual. and when you go to a big race and look around this is whats most common = because it worksSmile

i agree with this statement i just put the s in for steering and wow it was hard to get used to im thinking about putting it on my throttle and break and using the 9000t for steering Confusedalute: TrueRC.comConfusedalute: (Fusion Fluids) Confusedalute: Nitrotoyz.comConfusedalute:Thercshack.comConfusedalute:Fastlane-graphix.comConfusedalute:
thanks guys. iwas thinking about futaba s9351 and the jr ds8711 . for the eng. i was looking at the O.S max 28xz and for the radio. Nomadio Sensor Premium DSM .
Cant run the 28zx if you want to race the buggy. on the 9000t's i had 2 new ones and hated them, couldnt hold a candle to a hitec 5955 for steering, 9351 is great for throtle/brake. yes the os is really good, they have fixed the bearing and case problems of the older if they could just stop having issues with the rods nad carbs sticking on the 07 models they will be golden. Smile

would a .28 be controllable in buggy is the question, I think you would be over-powered, it would take some getting used to, plus as chad stated, it isnt legal for racing. I like my RB ws7iii, it idles all day long, and is really fast paired with a TTR 2035 pipeset and a RB#6 plug with Werks 30% fuel, and it doesnt seem to be hard to tune, I had it really close when I let Czech hear it, I was suprised how easy it was to tune and how close I Was to where I needed to be, and how well it holds the tune/ consistency is key for a n00b IMO Wink I would say go Ace 1015 for steering, and Ace 1313 for t/b for servos.......however im using a futaba s9351 for steering, and a JR 590z for t/b(POS) I do however have a pair of Air 358/359's I will have in my possesion soon, lmk if you are interested in them Wink
pwnzor Wrote:would a .28 be controllable in buggy is the question, I think you would be over-powered, it would take some getting used to, plus as chad stated, it isnt legal for racing. I like my RB ws7iii, it idles all day long, and is really fast paired with a TTR 2035 pipeset and a RB#6 plug with Werks 30% fuel, and it doesnt seem to be hard to tune, I had it really close when I let Czech hear it, I was suprised how easy it was to tune and how close I Was to where I needed to be, and how well it holds the tune/ consistency is key for a n00b IMO Wink I would say go Ace 1015 for steering, and Ace 1313 for t/b for servos.......however im using a futaba s9351 for steering, and a JR 590z for t/b(POS) I do however have a pair of Air 358/359's I will have in my possesion soon, lmk if you are interested in them Wink

Ya a .21 is enough power for a buggy. And i have the ace 1015 and 1313 like pwnzor said and i love it, nice and fast.
like i said you can make alot work but money,warn.,and per. are why jr and os are most popular. fut. dont make a servo thats even close.
OS VSPEC .21 motor
OS 2050 or 2060 pipe
futaba 9350 on throttle and steering
JR z1 radio, or Futaba 3pk
Mugen MBX5T
Futaba 3PM
Hitec 5955, 5965
Tex Wrote:OS VSPEC .21 motor
OS 2050 or 2060 pipe
futaba 9350 on throttle and steering
JR z1 radio, or Futaba 3pk

i use a jp-3 pipe with the v-spec and it works great. I hear its a good combo also.
Novarossi P5X
Novarossi 9853 Pipe
Futaba S9350 or S9451 for Throttle/Brake
Futaba S9351 for Steering
Futaba 3PKS
BAMF90 Wrote:Novarossi P5X
Novarossi 9853 Pipe
Futaba S9350 or S9451 for Throttle/Brake
Futaba S9351 for Steering
Futaba 3PKS

thanks guys. but what do you guys think about the Nomadio Sensor Premium DSM
Get the Nomadio React instead.
Tekno EB48.4 HobbyWing XR8 Sanwa M12
Mugen MBX5T
Futaba 3PM
Hitec 5955, 5965
Ponch Wrote:Get the Nomadio React instead.

thanks for the info

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