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Ya he drowned the chocolate city
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Its just amazing how the COMMANDER IN CHIEF catches shit when systems/programs fail under his watch.
... Yeah i know he didnt make the hurricane, but C'mon mike.
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Just paraphrasing what the mayor of New Orleans said..
And where was my obscenity riddled message u dirt bag lol
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Well that guy is a fcuking moron.
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Guess deciding to stay in your house instead of leaving before the hurrican was a great idea too?
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Yep cuz the whole city was wrong. . . Must have been all those stubborn uneducated minorities. Got what they had coming. Pffft, they should have know the the levees would fail...
Two sides to every coin kid.....
Not saying your wrong, but im not sure how i would react in a similiar situation. I probaly wouldnt ignore Emergency warnings but who knows, Maybe for some leaving wasnt an option (i.e) lack of transportation, or even jammed highways. Maybe they COULDNT outrun the storm. Who really knows.
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Katrina Facts:
Katrina was the largest hurricane of its strength to approach the United States in recorded history; its sheer size caused devastation over 100 miles (160 kilometers) from the storm's center. The storm surge caused major or catastrophic damage along the coastlines of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, including the cities of Mobile, Ala., Biloxi and Gulfport, Miss., and Slidell, La.
Katrina was the 11th named storm, fifth hurricane, third major hurricane and second category 5 hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It was also the sixth strongest hurricane ever recorded, and the third strongest hurricane to make landfall in the U.S. ever recorded.
# New Orleans' levee failures were found to be primarily the result of system design flaws, combined with the lack of adequate maintenance. According to an investigation by the National Science Foundation, those responsible for the conception, design, construction and maintenance of the region's flood-control system apparently failed to pay sufficient attention to public safety.
Estimated 80 percent of New Orleans was under water, up to 20 feet deep in places. Water was still rising as engineers struggled to plug two breached levees along Lake Pontchartrain with giant sandbags.
In accordance with federal law, President George W. Bush directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, to coordinate the Federal response. Chertoff designated Michael D. Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as the Principal Federal Official to lead the deployment and coordination of all federal response resources and forces in the Gulf Coast region. However, the President and Secretary Chertoff initially came under harsh criticism for what some perceived as a lack of planning and coordination. Eight days later, Brown was recalled to Washington and Coast Guard Vice Admiral Thad W. Allen replaced him as chief of hurricane relief operations. Three days after the recall, Michael D. Brown resigned as director of FEMA in spite of having received praise from Bush with the now-well-known phrase, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
An ABC News Poll conducted on September 2, 2005, showed slightly more blame was being directed at state and local governments (75%  than at the Federal government (67%), with 44% blaming President Bush's leadership directly. A later CNN/USATODAY/Gallup poll showed that respondents disagreed widely on who was to blame for the problems in the city following the hurricane — 13% said Bush, 18% said federal agencies, 25% blamed state or local officials and 38% said no one was to blame.
My thoughts on all this is EVERYONE dropped the ball. More damage was done from the storm as once expected. They knew how bad the storm was but as far as the damage. I dont think ANYONE could of guessed it would be as bad as it was. In that case,pretty much ALL plans must be tossed out and rewritten.
It was a tragic moment in our history and many things both human and nature came together to slow things down once the storm hit. Human errors ranging from local people all the way up to federal leaders with everyone in the middle. Its kinda hard to do your job and save or help rebuild while your being shot at!
My thoughts,get the people out and leave the city under water.
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Little more...
A June 2007 report released by the American Society of Civil Engineers states that the failures of the federally built levees in New Orleans were found to be primarily the result of system design flaws. The US Army Corps of Engineers who by federal mandate is responsible for the conception, design and construction of the region's flood-control system failed to pay sufficient attention to public safety.
According to new modeling and field observations by a team from Louisiana State University, the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), a 200-meter-wide (660-foot-wide) canal designed to provide a shortcut from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico, helped provide a funnel for the storm surge, making it 20% higher and 100%-200% faster as it crashed into the city. St. Bernard Parish, one of the more devastated areas, lies just south of the MRGO. The Army Corps of Engineers disputes this causality and maintains Katrina would have overwhelmed the levees with or without the contributing effect of the MRGO.
On April 5, 2006, months after independent investigators had demonstrated that levee failures were not caused by natural forces beyond intended design strength, Lieutenant General Carl Strock testified before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Energy and Water that "We have now concluded we had problems with the design of the structure." He also testified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers did not know of this mechanism of failure prior to August 29, 2005. The claim of ignorance is refuted, however, by the National Science Foundation investigators hired by the Army Corps of Engineers, who point to a 1986 study by the Corps itself that such separations were possible in the I-wall design.
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rocco you have turned into a complete bleeding heart liberal
hey guys hurricanes coming lets get the fuck outta here!
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11-09-2008, 09:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2008, 09:52 AM by rocco79.)
1. Drew-
Your click and paste abilities are amazing.
2. Mike-
No, im really not... I just cant stand your extremely conservative "better than everyone else" view on things. They say its the fanatics that ruin things. Your like a bible banger who refuses to hear that evolution could even be possible. There might just be a different view or way of looking at facts or opinions that might not be totally wrong. I agree with some things the republican party supports the same way i feel with the dems.
Try to open your mind a bit instead of just trying to jam your view of the world (a very wet behind the ears view) up everyones ass!!!
So call it devils advocate with a dose of liberal and sprinkle of tolerance for the true conservative views.
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Why thank you Roc!!
You said something about evolution. I was watching a show on TLC I believe was the channel. 17 kids and counting was the show. Its a series following that Dugger family that keep on popping out kids. Well they went to a 'creation museum' and it said that humans and dinosaurs lived together in peace no earlier then 6,000 years ago and thats hold old the earth is as well.
That science was wrong with saying the earth is billions of years old and same for the dinosaurs. Also,all dino's ate plants and not meat until adam and eve ere tossed out. Then the peace was over.
And all of this is true because the bible says so. Sorry to step on toes of those who follow and believe but come on...........
I dunno,just thought that was pretty funny to hear those kids swallow and believe all of that.
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Young minds will believe anything because it's the only thing they are told.
Wasn't the election like 5 days ago? lets just be American brothers...shit its probably better than living somewhere else...and having to worry about some guy standing next to you blowing himself up. haha.
granted there are always opinions, and I respect them all, but lets get over ourselves and just be united, not divided.
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2 things to add here....
Who would have thought, if we built a city along a coastline, below sea level, that there would EVER be a reason to worry about flooding?
In an above post, I made a statement about Obama's plan to drop the Troop counts in Iraq to 100,000, and that this would be a suicide mission for the 100,000 left behind. I am VERY sorry to say that my comment was inaccurate. According the the news, Obama's plan is to reduce the troop count in Iraq to 50,000 by 2010. If this happens, there will DEFINATELY be more US soldiers killed in just a few months, than there have been during the past 7 years of the war combined.
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there were more people killed in chicago last month than iraq
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Sad but true Mike...
We should probably blame the French for new orleans problems, they had that city like 200 years ago. haha
cause as you know, we got "Louisiana" territory from King Louis of France in some freakin
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Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:there were more people killed in chicago last month than iraq
That's what happens in a City where the Gangs, who obtain their guns illegally, are better armed than their victims. By Daley's and Blagojevich's "Laws", the only people they can stop from having a gun, are the people who purchase them legally.
Obama wants to pass a law that if someone breaks into your house, and poses a threat to you or your family, YOU can serve a larger sentence than the criminal, if you defend yourself or family with a gun. In other words, if you shoot, but don't kill, the intruder, he may get 5-10 years for breaking and entering, while you serve 20 for firing a gun.
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sounds like a plan!
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Vote yes for concealed firearms. Right now the law stands if attack an unarmed assailant and hurt or kill him chances are you're going to get f#@$ed by the law...even now. I can't imagine something stupid like that passing congress. You do realize that it has to get past the 2 bodies, not just obama. Not sure if the Dems have total political control but I know they control the senate by like 3-4 chairs. But that's not saying every blue person will vote that in. Politics are a little stupid and silly no matter what way you look at it. half the laws give power to criminals than law abiders. I for one am against the stupid gun control. You take guns away from innocents you just make the criminals more armed. Haha
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I would like to see concealed firearms passed, and then I'd like to see the first person that takes the purse or intends to do harm to that little old lady that I call Mom... they'll be in for a big surprise, lol.....
if you make guns illegal, only the law abiding will give up their guns, the criminals won't, because guess what, they are criminals and don't really care about the law....
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just caught something on TV about Obama proposing a US security force that answers to him and is as strong as the military? what's this? a little Barack ala Hitler (look in history boys and girls)? can anyone explain what this is about???? (seriously, I just caught 5 seconds worth)
by the way, the more I see Palin on TV.... the more I think..............
B I M B O!!!!!!!
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I think more along the lines of "naughty librarian from alaska"
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stratcat Wrote:just caught something on TV about Obama proposing a US security force that answers to him and is as strong as the military? what's this? a little Barack ala Hitler (look in history boys and girls)? can anyone explain what this is about???? (seriously, I just caught 5 seconds worth)
by the way, the more I see Palin on TV.... the more I think..............
B I M B O!!!!!!! 
I think the security force you are refering too is the one that the secrect service has to create to protect our prez because hes a differnt color more moops and jag offs are gonna be prone to take a wack at him... Atleast thats the way i understood the report i saw.
Oh and Palin... All i see is small rural town mayor thats got one sweet ass new wardrobe!
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Won't be long Roc, hope Biden is a good president
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LoL!!! C'mon!
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I have heard of about 3 legit attempts to end his life or his family. But I have also heard there have been over 100 reports of plans to do that just no action was taken because it was believed they were false or fake.